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School open house

The Athens School District will hold open houses from 2-6 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 29 at Athens Elementary School, Maple Grove Charter School and Athens Middle/High School.

College notes

The following students have graduated from Northcentral Technical College (NTC) in Wausau: Addison Lavicka, Andrew Frick, Anthony Vogel, Braden Kapitz, Brooke Rogaczewski, Celina Ellenbecker, Cody Murkowski, Grace Greenberg, Jennica Blaubach, Kenesha Schug, Kylee Wilde, Logan Daniels, Logan Ebben, Mason Knab, Parker Tischauser, Samantha Daniels, Savana Mata and Timothy Bingham.

Dinner and a Concert

Friday Night by the Bandstand for Aug. 30 will at start at 7:30 p.m. with a performance by the Old Timers Band. In the event of rain, dinner and concert will be held under the shelter in Memorial Park.

Book Club

The Athens Book Club will meet at the local branch library at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 10, to discuss “Tom Lake” by Ann Patchett. Recalling the past at her daughters’ request, Lara tells the story of a famous actor with whom she shared both a stage and a romance, causing her daughters to examine their own lives and reconsider everything they thought they knew. For more information, call 715-257-7292.

Family Story Time

Children of all ages and their parents or caregivers are invited to visit the Athens Branch Library for Family Story Time. For 30 minutes, library staff will read books, sing songs, and offer other literaturebased activities. Upcoming story times are scheduled for Wednesdays, Sept. 11 and 18, from 10:30 to 11 a.m. and on Wednesday, Sept. 25, from 10 to 11 a.m.

Mini Makers

Kids throughout Marathon County will have the opportunity to explore process art this fall. Process art is child-led and focuses on creation instead of following specific directions. Each branch will have a different project each month so that children and caregivers have an opportunity to unleash their creativity while meeting other community members. Stop by the Athens Branch Library anytime during open hours Sept. 2-7. The event is free, all supplies provided and no registration is required. Call 715-257-7292 for more info.

Farmers Market

The Athens Farmers Market is held every Tuesday, from 4 to 7 p.m., at Memorial Park.

College notes

The following students have graduated from Northcentral Technical College in Wausau: Amanda Fischer, Ashley Sterzinger, David Duberstein, Grace Johnson, Heidi Moen, Jon Hackel, Jordan Knoll, Kelly Sear-Vogel, Morriah Joyce, Owen Baumann, Parker Pietrowski and Sondra Pilgrim.

Book Club

The Edgar Book Club will meet at the local branch library at 12 noon on Tuesday, Sept. 10, to discuss “The Phantom of the Opera” by Gaston Leroux. A classic novel about a young, talented opera singer and a disfigured musical genius who haunts the Paris Opera House and uses music to try to win the woman’s love. New members are always welcome. For more information, call 715-352-3155.

Free athletic passes

The annual free athletic passes for all citizens 62 or older residing in the Edgar School District are now available for distribution. Passes are available in the high school office or from ticket sellers at events. Passes are not accepted for any WIAA tournament events which Edgar may host.

Family Story Time

Children of all ages and their parents or caregivers are invited to visit the Edgar Branch Library for Family Story Time. For 30 minutes, library staff will read books, sing songs, and offer other literature- based activities. Story times are scheduled for the first and third Thursday of the month, Sept. 3 and 17, from 11 to 11:30 a.m.

Fun Days breakfast

The Marathon Baseball Association andAmerican Legion Post 469 will be hosting their 18th annual Fun Days breakfast in the Marathon High School cafeteria on Saturday, Aug 31. The breakfast will run from 7 to 10 a.m. Carryouts are available. Proceeds will benefit the high school and Legion baseball programs.

Annual golf outing

The Marathon Athletic Club will hold its 6th annual golf outing and social on Saturday, Sept. 7. The social event starts at 5 p.m. at the Marathon Sports Center. Multiple raffles will be set up to support all athletic programs in Marathon. Tickets can be purchased at the Sports Center before the social begins, and participants need not be present to win. Raffle prizes will be announced at 8 p.m.

College notes

The following students have graduated from Northcentral Technical College in Wausau: Andrea Hamilton, Austin Wood, Ethan Gacke, Hailey Mathwich, Heidi Henrichs, Jacob Rhyner, Kyle Rauen, Lindsey Larson, Samantha Richards and Tiffany Her.

Book Club

The Marathon Book Club will meet at the local branch library at 5:45 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 9, to discuss “The Night Circus” by Erin Morgenstern. In this fantasy novel, the circus arrives without warning. No announcements precede it; it is simply there. Within the black-andwhite striped canvas tents is an utterly unique experience full of breathtaking amazements. For more information, call 715-4432775.

Family Story Time

Children of all ages and their parents or caregivers are invited to visit the Marathon Branch Library for Family Story Time. For 30 minutes, library staff will read books, sing songs, and offer other literature- based activities. Story times are scheduled for Thursdays, Sept. 12, 19 and 26, from 10:30 to 11 a.m.

Mini Makers

Kids throughout Marathon County will have the opportunity to explore process art this fall. Process art is child-led and focuses on creation instead of following specific directions. Each branch will have a different project each month so that children and caregivers have an opportunity to unleash their creativity while meeting other community members. Stop by the Marathon Branch Library on Wednesday, Sept. 4, anytime from 1-7 p.m. The event is free, all supplies are provided and no registration is required. Call 715-443-2775 for more info.

Legion Auxiliary

Alois Dreikosen Unit 469 of the American Legion Auxiliary held its monthly meeting on Aug. 8. President Betty Blume called the meeting to order. Opening meeting protocol was followed. The July minutes and treasurer’s report were read and approved.

The unit currently has 105 members for the 2024 year. Dues for adults for the coming year are $34. Cost for junior members is $5.25. 2025 renewal notices have been sent out.

No members were on the sick list.

Texts and emails have gone out to parents of junior members inviting them and their friends to participate in the Kiddie Day parade and/or in Sunday’s parade. It is a patriotic theme. The Legion will

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award vouchers to all Kiddie parade participates.

The Marathon Funs Days parade will be Sunday at 1 p.m.

Members are celebrating 75 years as an Auxiliary Unit this year. We encourage members to come ride (transportation available) or walk in the parade. Decoration, patriot aprons, a banner and parade swag will be provided. Please dress patriotic, meet at 8th and Washington Street.

Betty Blume gave a report on the recent American Legion Auxiliary Wisconsin convention. The state of Wisconsin currently serves 300,000 veterans. Becky Miller is the new president for the WI ALA. Her theme this year is “Sharing from the Heart.” Unit 469 from Marathon received a presidential award from the ALA Department of Wisconsin.

Thank you letters were read for recent donations.

New Business Blume shared information about an organization called Freedom 13 and asked members to look online to learn more about their mission.

The WI ALA sponsors a program called “Give 10 to Education,” and the unit would like to participate. Members were asked to bring their ideas to the next meeting.

The unit made a motion to purchase a Legacy stone at the Highground Veterans Memorial Park.

Donations were made to department general funds and department poppy funds.

Plans are underway to acknowledge Milestone Memberships (increments of 10) in the ALA.

The District 8 fall meeting is scheduled for 8 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 21, at the Peplin VFW.

The unit is asking for the names of members who are currently in nursing homes or homebound. Contact Kathy Grell.

There will be an ALA in the Know session held in Gillett on Saturday, Sept. 28.

ALA Resources

Facebook: Alois Dreikosen Unit #469American Legion Auxiliary Marathon, WI ALA State of WI Website: amlegionauxwi. org ALA National Website: Closing prayer was given by chaplain Julie Cariveau.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday, Sept. 12, at 6:30 p.m. at Village Hall.

Farmers Market

The Marathon City Farmers Market will be open from 2 to 6 p.m. every Thursday at 400 Main St. More than 45 vendors will be selling produce, bakery items, flowers, arts and craft. Food trucks and drinks will also be available. For more information, call 715-506-1355.


College note

The following students have graduated from Northcentral Technical College in Wausau: Allison Wiesman, Brenda Stack, Brenden Fecker, David Eckes, Delaney Dennee, Ella Heidmann, Gavin Kirsch, Jerry Hilbelink, Kaedyn Dahl, Kylee Manecke, Makenzie Schreiner, Miranda Schneider, Sierra Custer and Tessa Miller.

Book club

The Stratford Book Club will meet at the local branch library at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 18, to discuss “Lady Tan’s Circle of Women” by Lisa See. Sent into an arranged marriage and forbidden to continue her work as a midwife-in-training, Yunxian is ordered to act like a proper wife and seeks a way to continue treating women and girls from every level of society in 15th century China. For more information, call 715-687-4420.

Family Story Time

Children of all ages and their parents or caregivers are invited to visit the Stratford Branch Library for Family Story Time. For 30 minutes, library staff will read books, sing songs, and offer other literature-based activities. Story times are scheduled for Wednesdays, Sept. 11, 18 and 25, from 10:30 to 11 a.m.



The Marshfield Area Retired Educators’ Association meeting was held on Aug. 19 at The Country Aire. After the Pledge of Allegiance and the introduction of guests by Doreen Schultz, president of MAREA, the minutes were approved with corrections and the treasurer’s report was placed on file for audit.

Committee reports included Community Action, where Ruby Pinter reported on food pantry donations for August and September. Kathleen Hasenohrl reported about the use of supplements for improvement of arthritic conditions. She included that the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging has regular presentations on health and there is an upcoming one on Sept. 5. Check on the website for further information.

Curt Hansen reported about recent happenings in the legislature. The loss of state aid to Milwaukee schools because of voucher and charter schools was in the July reports. The Department of Public Instruction is trying to further reading with 3rd grade screening. There were monies allotted for this program, but with a late release of those monies, it will be hard for schools to be ready this fall.

Ruby Thomas reminded members that state dues will be going up in January. MAREA dues are due in September. Members should contact her if they want to pay now for local and state dues.

Carol Subera reported on the numbers of the current pension.

Carol Ballerstein, who chairs the Public Relations/Sunshine and Shadows, sent a thank you to Annaliece Rynes, who was the speaker at the last regular meeting. She also informed members of the passing of Jerome Sjostrom. He and his special cookie treats will be missed.

Ruby Pinter talked about the three $500 scholarships that were presented in June to Claudia Garcia from Abbotsford High School, Carter Roth from Colby High School and Lilly VerBerkmoes from Marshfield Senior High School. They will receive their scholarships after completing the first semester of college. Part of the money for the scholarships comes from the annual MAREA brat fry usually held in June. This year the Fry was very successful. Thank you to all the members who helped out on that day.

Dorothy Dietsche reported that the last collection for the WREA Foundation will be at the September meeting. The Pennies for WREA pot was passed around. Cindee Loos reminded members that volunteer forms need to sent to her before Sept. 1 for this year’s submission.

Old/new business began with Sally Lucas reporting on the Executive Board meeting held in July at Nutz Deep II in Spencer. The number of members attending made great progress on the planning for next year’s speakers and setting goals for the coming year for MAREA with an emphasis on increasing membership by three members. Sally indicated that there is a need for suggestions for more speakers to complete the year’s meetings.

This year’s fall WREA Convention will be held at Lake of the Torches Resort and Casino on Sept. 23-25. Several members are already planning to go. Members were asked to let Doreen know if they plan to attend so that carpooling can be arranged. The regular meeting concluded with the birthday song for those members whose birthdays were in July and August.

The speaker for the meeting was Dana Schultz. Her emphasis was on the uses of clean energy like solar panels, geothermal, and windmills. She is part of a group called Localyst. (See the website at Her topic included the definitions of two different types of information. Disinformation is false information which is deliberately intended to mislead—intentionally misstating the facts. Misinformation is false or inaccurate information.

Members discussed the use of Facebook, and face to face information that is used to spread some misleading information. Dana explained some strategies to help inform people just how to get to the facts. One is to inoculate yourself by asking for the source and not sharing that information until you do some checking yourself. Redirect the speaker to help you better understand where they are coming from and what is their source.

Dana is working to help the public know about the facts of what “clean energy” does mean through her work with the Localyst group.

The speaker for the Sept. 16 meeting will be Kristine Johanek, who will be speaking about teaching in Egypt.

For more information about MAREA or about attending a meeting, call Doreen Schultz at 715-219-2249.