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Abby football

Continued from page 9

Irvin Aguilera was our fullback and has put on weight and gotten faster. The other will be Grayson Totzke, who throws a real nice ball but isn't as big or mobile as Irvin. We still plan to incorporate a QB run game into our offense because it just adds stress to a defense when you have that option.”

Aguilera had 107 yards on 31 carries last season, five of which went for touchdowns. Totzke went 3-for-4 for 42 yards through the air and had three carries for 11 yards.

Senior Emilio Escalera and junior Chase Boller will also return to the Falcons’ backfield, with Escalera picking up 388 yards on the ground as the Falcons third leading rusher and Boller adding another 196. Sophomore Jesus Reyes also looks to figure into Abbotsford’s offensive plans after some playing time last year as a freshman.

In addition to Davila, Hirsch and Brodhagen on the line, senior Andres Lopez and juniors Angel Tzintzun and Marcus Vanluven will also be bringing varsity experience to the table.

That continuity and solidarity that comes from it is one of the advantages this group possesses, according to Knapmiller.

“Right now we have a lot of strengths but I think the one overlooked by people sometimes is how well the cohesion is and team culture from the top-down,” he said. “If I were a parent of our players I would be so ex-

See ABBY FOOTBALL/ Page 16 Abby football

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cited to see my son be able to play with such a good group of men. They really are good guys and care about one another. When things get tough on Friday nights, that is going to carry this group.”

The experience on offense will also be carried over to the defensive side of the ball, where many of the same players will be in the starting lineup. Four of the defense’s top five tacklers from last season will be returning in Fuentes, Davila, Aguilera and Brodhagen and the Abbotsford coaching staff believes that a change in mentality will also help elevate the squad’s performance.

“The players’ approach to defense has changed,” Knapmiller said. “There wasn't really the ownership and pride on defense like there is offensively. That led to lack of focus and discipline. Our older guys realized from last year that it wasn't a scheme or play calls, it was execution and technique that drove our success. We have had a much better summer and first week on that side of the ball.”

With changes to football conferences across the state to take effect this season, the Falcons will see a mix of new and familiar foes in the new CWC-Small. Prior Marawood foes Edgar, Auburndale, and Pittsville will join Abbotsford in the conference while Assumption, Iola-Scandinavia, Pacelli and Rosholt will fill out the rest of the roster. While there are some question marks in regards to what some of the other non-Marawood squads will bring to the table, Knapmiller likes where his team sits in the newly formed conference heading into the season.

“We might have the most returning upperclassmen in our conference,” he noted. “We don't know much about Pacelli or Rosholt but Assumption used to be in the Cloverwood when we were and the rest we played last year. When you have size, speed and experience in football, it gives you a huge advantage to start. We should be competing for the top spots in our conference but as always Edgar will be tough and Iola has some major talent and won their conference last year.”

“I'm excited to see these guys play,” Knapmiller added. “They have an excitement for the game and a little bit of swagger to them. Most of our guys worked really hard to be able to carry themselves that confidently.”

The Falcons’ first test of the season will be this Friday, August 23, when they go on the road to take on the newly formed Loyal/ Greenwood co-op team. Last year, Abbotsford defeated Loyal 36-16 in their opener. The season is set to kickoff at 7 p.m.