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New grant program cangive safer water systems - New grant program can give safer water systems

The release of a new grant program is in place, that will help certain water systems provide safer water to their communities.

The Underserved Drinking Water System Grant Program will help other-than-municipal community and non-profit, non-transient, non-community public water systems provide safe water in Wisconsin, by providing funding for systems to address active violations and action level exceedances.

The application period for the program opens Sept. 3, and closes Dec. 3.

“Public water systems strive to provide safe water to their communities, but many lack the financial capacity to afford the much-needed infrastructure changes,” said Adam DeWeese, DNR public water supply section manager.

Other-than-municipal community are public water systems not owned by a government or municipality, and that serve groups of 25 or more year-round residents. Examples include mobile home parks, apartment buildings and condominium associations.

Nonprofit, non-transient, non-community, are nonresidential public water systems that regularly serve groups of at least 25 of the same people over six months of the year, and are non-profit. Examples include public schools and non-profit daycare centers. These systems should verify they are non-profit, to qualify for the grant.

Owners of water systems with active violations or action level exceedances, should review eligibility requirements in the grant announcement.

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