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alcohol consumption based on the ….

alcohol consumption based on the problems it can cause.

“Everybody has the right to have a drink, but to promote it seems counterproductive,” he said.

_ The council approved a final pay request of $97,391 from Melvin Companies for work done on the Safe Routes to School project. MSA project engineer Dan Borchardt said the project came in $30,000 underbudget due to areas where money was saved along the way.

_ The council approved a final pay request of $32,575 from Melvin Companies for reconstructing West Spruce Street. Borchardt said the public works crew saved the city about $56,000 by replacing curb stops and doing other work along the construction route that did not have to be done by the contractor.

_ The council approved a final pay request of $25,202 from Haas Sons for extending Opportunity Drive to the west. The final payment is contingent on the contractor putting up signs and placing manhole covers, work that had not been done as of Monday’s meeting.

_ The council approved a $195,972 pay request from Switlick and Sons for work done so far on Fourth Avenue. The council also approved a $19,459 change order to account for an extra block of water main that needed to be replaced because it had old lead fittings.

_ Soyk told the council that the Wisconsin DNR is now requiring a discharge permit for flushing the city’s water hydrants, which means he will have to sample the water coming out of the hydrants and record the flow.

“It’s just more work on our end,” he said. “It’s nothing we can’t get done ourselves.”

_ The council approved the purchase of a vacuum trailer with valve exerciser, which will be used to fix underground water mains and maintain the valves. Soyk said the estimated cost of the device is $35,000, which is available in the water utility’s operational budget.

_ The council approved alcohol operator licenses for Jennifer Barrett at Fatboys, Pamela Marg at Dollar General, Kayla Rase, Max Rue for Express Lane, and Amanda Vanderhof at Dollar General. Ald. Zeiset abstained from voting.