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Post 469 ready for playoffs

Post 469 ready for playoffs Post 469 ready for playoffs

Squad finishes regular season on a high note

Marathon American Legion Post 469’s baseball team finished this summer’s regular season with a 12-6 record, after winning five of its last six games during three home doubleheaders.

Post 469 will now compete in the American Legion Region Class A tournament, which begins this Thursday, July 22, and goes through Monday, July 26. Should Post 469 qualify for the state tournament, it’ll be held on Thursday, July 29, through Monday, Aug. 2.

Marathon split a doubleheader against Nekoosa on Thursday. Jaden Koeller struck out 11 Nekoosa batters in an 11-1 win in the first game. Nathan Hanke hit two for three with a pair of RBIs, while Brock Warren doubled and also had two RBIs. Pierson Hamann and Hector Pintor both batted two for three in the win.

Grant Warren was the losing pitch- er in Post 469’s 9-4 loss to Nekoosa in the nightcap. Cooper Hoeksema batted two for four and Kyle Hollenbeck doubled.

Post 469 won a doubleheader against Abbotsford/Colby on Friday. Kyle Hollenbeck was the winning pitcher in a 13-4 victory in the first game. Jaden Koeller hit two for four with three RBIs, while Grant Warren was two for five and he also had three RBIs. Mike Hahn batted four for five with a pair of RBIs. Brock Warren hit three for four, while Jake Sweno and Pierson Hamann were two for four in the win.

Daniel LaQua was the winning pitcher in a 9-6 victory against Abbotsford/ Colby in the second game. Pierson Hamann doubled and collected a pair of RBIs, while Grant Warren hit two for three with a double.

Marathon also won a doubleheader against Rib Lake on Monday. Brock Warren struck out 11 Rib Lake batters in a 10-0 win in the first game. Mike Hahn hit two for three with three RBIs, while Jaden Koeller was three for four with two RBIs in the victory.

Grant Warren struck out nine Rib Lake batters in a 7-1 win in the nightcap. Logan Werner hit three for four with three RBIs, while Derek Vesely collected a pair of RBIs.