Superintendent’s Corner
District Administrator Mike Endreas
Staying positive
As we put the finishing touches on yet another school year, I need to say thank you to our students and staff for staying the course and when life gives you lemons you make lemonade. To say the year was stressful and trying would not be doing justice to what the School District has been through. I must say as a District we are taking the positive route and learning from this situation as to how we can do even better.
I want to formally thank Sheryl Guenther, Pat Klimmer and Tammi Miller for each of their 30-plus years serving the School District of Spencer. Their dedication and commitment to the kids of our district will be missed. I wish them all the best in their retirement.
We have seen many creative and unique senior pranks throughout the years (see picture) but I must say this has to be on my Mount Rushmore. I think this clearly demonstrates the resilience and positive attitude of our senior class as a whole. All in all, I think we can learn a great deal from the class of 2021. As a group they arguably missed out on more opportunities than most. An easy reaction to this type of adversity would be to play the victim and give up or complain. This group chose to stay positive, support each other and have fun in the process. I am more certain than ever that this year’s group is ready to take on the challenge of the real world. Good luck Class of 2021!
The building project is moving along nicely. The tentative open date will be early to mid September. This timeline has been fluid based on the availability of building materials and the like. Please refer to our Facebook and Webpage for pictures and video updates as the project progresses.
I want to welcome James Kelnhofer to the Board of Education. Jim was interviewed and selected at the May Board meeting by our current Board to fill the vacant village representative seat. With young kids in the district, Jim will bring a unique perspective to the Board. Our Board consists of Tom Schafer, President, Jordan Buss, Vice-president, Shawn Lyon, Clerk, KaSandra Justman, Treasurer and James Kelnhofer, Director. I want to thank them all for their willingness to serve and to represent the community of Spencer.
With the end of the 2020-21 school year upon us, we will begin our planning process for the 2021-22 school year. With reduction of our overall revenue due to the failed referendum, decisions about staffing and such will play a key role. A major topic at the Board level will be to discuss the financial future of our District and how to address our needs.
I want to wish you all a happy and safe summer. I hope you are able to connect with family and friends as we begin to get back to some normalcy. Take care and we will see you next school year.