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Senior Card Group

The Senior Citizens card group met on July 11 for weekly card playing at the Athens Area Fire and Ambulance Hall. Three games of Sheepshead were played. Pat Frank won first place and Andy Hoef came in second in the first game. Steve Klockziem won first and Dave Perrodin came in second in the second game.

Low score was Alivra Henrichs. Newcomers are encouraged to come play Sheepshead every Thursday from 12:30-3:30 p.m. at the Athens fire hall.

Athens VFW Post 8527

The monthly meeting of Athens VFW Post 8527 was held July 10.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by the 11 members in attendance.

Guest at this meeting was Cheryl Engel. She invited any VFW and Legion member to attend a breakfast at the Athens Cafe on Aug. 10. Any member of these organizations interested in attending are asked to contact her by the deadline of July 27 at 715-905-1412. She can give more details.

Mark Weiler has applied for membership to the post. Unanimous approval of his membership was approved by all members.

Discussion of installing a windbreak curtain surrounding the beer bar area was discussed. Information will be shared with the Legion at their next meeting.

Refreshment and snacks were served following the meeting.

Attendance door prizes were awarded to Rick Schaetzl, Eugene Denk and Randy Kuck.

The next monthly meeting will be held on Aug. 7 at 7 p.m. at the fire hall back room. New members are always welcome.

Dinner and a concert

Friday Night by the Gazebo for July 19 will be hosted by Trinity Youth. The menu will consist of a “hot dog bar” with chips, soda and water, and dessert. Serving will start at 5:30 p.m. The Old Timers concert will start at 7:30 p.m. In the event of rain, dinner and concert will be held under the shelter in Memorial Park.

Ladies Bowling League

The Rowdy's Wednesday Ladies Bowling League will hold its next meeting on Wednesday, Aug. 7, at 6:30 p.m.Anyone interested in bowling should contact either Julie Ellenbecker at 715-257-9275 or Gloria Brodziski at 715-257-9149.

Rep. Tiffany office hours

A member of Congressman Tom Tiffany’s staff will be at the Athens Municipal Building, 221 Caroline St. on Thursday, July 25, from 2 to 4 p.m. The staffer will be there to assist residents who may need help with a federal agency.Appointments are not necessary, and staff will be able to aid in federal matters concerning Veterans Affairs, Social Security, the Internal Revenue Service, Medicare, passports, and more.

If you have any further questions or need help with a federal agency and cannot make it to these mobile office hours, Congressman Tiffany’s district staff remains ready to help at (715) 298-9344.

Silver Rose Prayer Service

The Knights of Columbus Council 5127 in Colby will be hosting a Silver Rose Prayer Service honoring “Our Lady of Guadalupe” and the sanctity of life on Sunday, July 21, at 9 a.m. (following 8 a.m. Mass) at St. Mary’s Help of Christian Church, 205 S. Second St., Colby. Interested parishioners from surrounding parishes are encouraged to attend.

Farmers market

The Athens Farmers Market is held every Tuesday, from 4 to 7 p.m., at Memorial Park.


Backpack Buddies

Kids and tweens who love stringing beads can drop in to the Edgar Branch Library to create a beaded dragonfly or other animal creation anytime during the regular business hours the week of July 29-Aug. 3. All supplies will be provided for free. No registration required. Call 715-352-3155 for more info.


Karter Butt, a recent graduate of Edgar High School, was awarded the Allen & Patricia Voigt Scholarship. (The July 3 edition of the Record Review listed the scholarships awarded to Edgar High School students, but this scholarship was inadvertently omitted).

College notes

Ian Riehle was named to the dean’s list for the 2024 spring semester at UW-Oshkosh. To be named to the list, students must maintain a grade-point average of 3.75. Skylee Manecke was named to the honor roll, which requires a minimum GPA of 3.3.

Caden Higgins, majoring in civil engineering, was named to the 2024 spring semester dean’s list at UWPlatteville. To be named to the list, students must maintain a gradepoint average of 3.5 or higher.

Concert at the Park

Jerry Schmitt and the Schmittkicker Trio will perform at Oak Street Park on Thursday, July 18, at 7 p.m. The performance is part of the Concerts at the Park series sponsored by the Edgar Fine Arts Association.


Scavenger Hunt

Kids of all ages can drop in at the Marathon Branch Library for a summertime scavenger hunt during the library’s open hours from July 22 to 27. Search the shelves and around the library to answer questions (some weird and wacky ones, too). Call 715-443-2775 for more information.

Summer LEGO Party

Get creative with LEGO and other blocks at the Marathon City Branch Library on Friday, July 19 and Friday, July 26, from 1-3 p.m. Blocks will be provided for free. No registration required. Call 715-4432775 for more info.

College notes

Jaicee Kunkel was named to the 2024 spring semester honor roll at UW-Oshkosh. To be named to the roll, students must maintain a gradepoint average of 3.3.

Farmers market

The Marathon City Farmers Market will be open from 2 to 6 p.m. every Thursday at 400 Main St. More than 45 vendors will be selling produce, bakery items, flowers, arts and craft. Food trucks and drinks will also be available. For more information, call 715-306-1355.

Legion Auxiliary

President Betty Blume called the meeting to order with 13 members present.

Opening prayer was given by chaplain Julie Cariveau.

The minutes of the June meeting were read by secretary Kathy Grell. Motion to accept the minutes was made by Brenda Wirkus and seconded by Hayley Cramer. Motion carried.

The treasurer's report was read by treasurer Edee Zuleger. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report was made by Jean Knauf and seconded by Hayley Cramer. Motion carried.

Zuleger has taken a new job and is no longer able to sign checks for the Auxiliary. Currently the second person authorized to sign checks was a former president. Two new people have been asked to be authorized to sign checks.

Amotion was made to have Betty Blume (president) and Kathleen Grell (secretary) authorized to sign checks by Nicole Skrzypchak. Seconded by Suzie Lang. Motion carried.

Outstanding bills. Blume has ordered hats and magnets for distribution at the parades.A basket was put together for the raffle at the convention. A motion was made to pay the bills by Brenda Wirkus, seconded by Mary Jane Cramer. Motion carried.

Committee Reports Membership - The post has 101 members for the 2024 year, with two membership applications still in progress. Dues for adults for the coming year are $34. Cost for Junior members is $5.25. Membership information will be sent to an additional two individuals who have expressed an interest in joining.

Juniors - Aprons have been ordered for Juniors to wear in the parades. They will be imprinted with the Cool To Be Patriotic slogan.

A thank you was read from Piper Skrzypchak for the scholarship she received.

Hayley Cramer also reported a

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verbal thank you from Ed Gibbons for the donation to his daughter to help with needs at this time.

Other Business:

Department letter came with a reminder to remember milestone memberships. It has been a few years since the post last did this. The group will check into it.

The convention began July 11. Bonnie Schult represented the unit for the whole weekend. Betty Blume went Friday. Voting took place on Saturday.

The second t-shirt order should be available around July 15. Edee will contact those who ordered.

The village administrator did not have immediate plans to come talk with the Legion or Auxiliary about plans for the new ball complex or the old park, but he will come to a future meeting when there is more to report.

The summer stand schedule is filling up. There is a tournament on Friday, Aug. 9 and Saturday, Aug. 10. Members are asked to sign up if you they are able to help.

The Fun Days schedule should be coming soon. If you have a specific day/time you want to work, contact Jenese Karlen as soon as possible. There will be some changes to the schedules — specific tasks for onions, options to set up the stand for the day or take on a lead position for a shift and time changes for Monday. (Less positions may possibly be needed.)

Kathy Grell is working on task sheets for all positions. They will be posted at the stand as they are completed so if you are new to working this year or would consider doing something different this year, please look at these.

Calendar and raffle tickets are no longer at the summer stand. Members were encouraged to ask their neighborhood legion members if you are interested in buying tickets.

A request was made to split the cost for the sand for the ball diamond between the Legion, the Auxiliary and the school district. A motion was made to cover one third of the cost by Marlene Suebert, seconded by Suzie Lang. Motion carried.

New Business:

The cheese dispenser for the nacho cheese is broken. The post was able to lease a new machine that is slightly smaller and will require 60 ounce bags. The group was able to get the right size bags through one of its vendors. Edee has ordered a new machine.

Arequest was made to support the golf outing for MAC club again this year. A motion was made by Anne Paul to contribute and seconded by Hayley Cramer. Motion carried.

Discussion was held on ways to increase participation in the Fun Days parade this year. A motion to purchase a Cool to be Patriotic banner was made by Hayley Cramer, seconded by Mary Jane Cramer. Motion passed. Suzie Lang will contact Sign Forge to order a banner that can be carried by members.

All Auxiliary members who are able to do so are encouraged to wear patriotic / auxiliary clothing and join the juniors walking down the hill in the parade. It is the 75th anniversary year of the American Legion Auxiliary. The post is looking into a float for members to ride.

Closing prayer was given by chaplain, Julie Cariveau.

The next meeting will be held on Aug. 8 at 6:30 p.m. at the Village Hall.


Play & Learn: Beading

The Children’s Wisconsin Marshfield Family Resource Center will be sharing a variety of beads, baubles, and strings to make jewelry and other creations at the Stratford Branch Library on Monday, July 22, from 10:30-11:30 a.m. The event is free, open to the public and no registration is required. Call 715-687-4420 for more information.