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Edgar parks commission approves fence for third field at Softball Park

The installation of fencing for the third field at the Edgar Softball Park could be done yet this year after approval for the project by officials last week.

During the Edgar Parks Commission’s October 4 meeting, commissioners approved spending approximately $10,000 for 530 feet of 4 foot high chain fence for the third field area. The new fence will match field two’s and comes as a way to get rid of the temporary fence that has to be installed and removed seasonally. The fence funds will come out of the Shortner trust, which acts somewhat as a savings account for Edgar’s park system. Currently the account has $65,590. The commission’s approval included a stipulation that all but $5,000, which is the park commission’s contribution, would be paid back for the project from athletic groups using the softball diamonds. Approving the use of Shortner funds for the whole amount now allows for the project to get done this year. The intention is that next year, once the groups are receiving money from tournaments, they will be able to contribute their portion to the overall cost.

“We have a nice facility,” Rick Mueller, chair of the commission, said. “If we keep it upgraded and keep improving things, people are going to want to use it.”

During last week’s meeting, Village Administrator Jennifer Lopez also shared information about other park projects and expenses with the commission. There was $7,886 spent this year on updating electrical work at park shelters, a water line break at Oak Street Park in the spring that cost almost $8,000 to fix (funds for that came out of the water utility and parks budgets) and approximately $1,000 spent on repairing items like sinks damaged by acts of vandalism in the parks.

Additionally, Lopez gave an update on the Oak Street Park Christmas lighting project, which has raised $3,325 of its $5,000 goal so far. The last day to submit donations is October 15. There will be a volunteer work day this Saturday, October 14, starting at 10 a.m. to begin the decorating. In the event of inclement weather, the event will be held October 21. For more information on the lighting project and work day, contact village hall at 715352-2891 or email villagehall@edgarwi. gov