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Is there food involved with the work? Must be Lions!

Is there food involved with the work? Must be Lions! Is there food involved with the work? Must be Lions!

The Cadott Lions Club have stayed busy, as usual, with a work day at Riverview Park, where they re-roofed the grill shelter, did some clean-up on the east side and some painting, where needed.

“All the hard work that we do at the famous plastic parties has paid off and we placed a couple of benches in the park,” said Lion Carolyn Wanish.

Some of the talented carpenters of the club also built a couple ramps for some area residents in need of easy access to their homes.

Then, the club tied up loose ends for Nabor Days “Friday afternoon was HOT, we had our brat and burger stand open for those who came to watch the tractor pull,” said Wanish. “Sorry to say, the weather was not in our favor, high winds and rain put a damper on things, some of the vendors had their canopies blown over, the tractor pull was canceled. Needless to say, we closed up shop earlier than planned.”

The following day also turned out hot, for the brat and burger stand again, so those who attended the mud bog had some good things to eat. On the river side of the park, the Lions grilled chicken, held the annual BINGO, where people came to try their luck in the hot weather.

“Following the BINGO, we had our annual duck race,” said Wanish. “For once, the river cooperated and the ducks swam down the river at a nice pace, with no lolly-gagging along the way.”

To wrap up Nabor Days, there was a Sunday parade, and what tastes great after a parade? Grilled chicken, which was apparently so good, the club ran out of it early.

Moving on, the club is planning their annual steak dinner. “One thing I have learned since I joined the Lions, if it has food, it must be something to do with the Lions,” said Wanish. “So, if you like food, a little work and some camaraderie, join the Cadott Lions.”