County and state seek input on CTH A bridge project planned for 2025
Taylor County is seeking public input for plans to replace a 53-year-old bridge in the town of Holway that is approaching the end of its useful life.
Taylor County, in cooperation with The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT), is conducting a public outreach campaign through October 20 to solicit input on the replacement of the CTH A bridge over Pine Creek from CTH DD to CTH E in the Town of Holway in Taylor County.
Existing bridge (designated B-60-14), which carries CTH A over Pine Creek, was constructed in 1970 and is nearing the end of its useful life. Replacement of the structure and reconstruction of the approaches is warranted. The new bridge, B-60-157, will be slightly longer than the existing structure and will be constructed in the summer of 2025. Construction is expected to last approximately 2.5 months. CTH A will be closed to traffic during construction. Access to adjacent properties will be maintained during this time.
“The objective of this outreach is to familiarize the public with the purpose and need for the project and to obtain input on the proposed improvements. Public input is valuable and encouraged,” stated Ben Stanfley, Taylor County Highway Commissioner.
The following representatives may be contacted for more information: Eric Price, P.E., Consultant Project Manager, (715) 579-0325, or Ben Stanfley, E.I.T., Taylor County Highway Commissioner, (715) 748-2456,
The project will cost an estimated $750,000 to $1 million with cost shared 80% by state and federal sources and 20% by the county. The total project length is 492 feet.
The current bridge structure has a sufficiency rating of 39.4 on a scale of 0 to 199. It is a single span concrete slab bridge constructed in 1970 with an overall length of 39.5 feet.
Average daily traffic on the bridge is projected to be about 660 vehicles per day by 2025 and 710 vehicles a day by 2045.
The bridge will be replaced by a Single Span Prestressed Concrete Girder with an overall length of 61.5 feet. Like the current bridge it will have a 24 foot wide paved traveled way with four foot shoulders.
The final bridge plans will be submitted to WisDOT in June 2024 with bid letter in November 2024 and construction set to take place in summer 2025.