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Drinking breast milk provides unique benefits to infants

Drinking breast milk provides unique benefits to infants Drinking breast milk provides unique benefits to infants

Each August, more than 120 countries celebrate World Breastfeeding Week, by sharing information about breast milk benefits, and the positive bonding experience between mother and baby. This year’s took place Aug. 1-7.

A mother’s milk provides a newborn with vital antibodies and an immunity boost, as the infant grows.

“Breastfeeding, whether by the breast or pumping breast milk, is important to an infant,” said registered nurse and lactation specialist Teresa DeMoe, “as it provides protection against many short- and longterm illnesses, while also giving mom and baby important bonding time.”

The following are breastfeeding benefits:

• Breast milk fights disease. The cells, hormones and antibodies in breast milk protect babies from illness, such as ear infections, asthma, Type 1 diabetes and gastrointestinal infections, among others.

• Breast milk is easier to digest. For most babies, especially premature babies, breast milk is easier to digest than formula. The proteins in formula are made from cow’s milk and it takes time for babies’ stomachs to adjust to digesting them.

• Breast milk is often called liquid gold. Colostrum, often referred to as “liquid gold,” is the thick yellow breast milk that mothers make during pregnancy and just after birth. This milk is rich in nutrients and antibodies to protect the baby. Although the baby only gets a small amount of colostrum at each feeding, it matches the amount his or her stomach can hold.

• Breast milk changes as the baby grows. Colostrum changes into what is called mature milk. By the third to fifth day after birth, this mature breast milk has just the right amount of fat, sugar, water and protein, to help a baby continue to grow. It is a thinner type of milk than colostrum, but it provides all the nutrients and antibodies a baby needs.

• Breastfeeding is beneficial to mothers, as well. Mothers who breastfeed tend to recover from childbirth faster, and are at a lower risk for developing breast and ovarian cancer, Type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding for about six months, then continuing breastfeeding, while introducing soft foods, until a child is two years or older.

For mothers needing additional support to be successful in their breastfeeding journey, many hospitals offer free educational classes, including a class for those considering breastfeeding and a support group, where new moms will learn more about latching, pumping, infant feeding cues and more.

For mothers who cannot, or chose not to, breastfeed, the CDC recommends feeding an infant formula that is specifically made for babies and is iron-fortified, which means vitamins and minerals are added. The CDC does not recommend using homemade infant formula; a baby’s nutritional needs are very specific and may not be met with the use of a homemade formula recipe.

If there are concerns or questions about breastfeeding, or formula feeding, talk with a doctor.