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Cadott Village Board; Resolutions approved for financial plan

Cadott Village Board; Resolutions approved for financial plan Cadott Village Board; Resolutions approved for financial plan

John Mikesh, Chippewa Surveying, was on hand during a Cadott Village Board meeting Aug. 7, to discuss potential solutions to the landscaping at the Glenn and Alynn Schofield property. Mikesh said he is willing to meet at the property, to show which areas of the yard he recommends landscaping and tapering. Photo by Julia Wolf

By Julia Wolf

Cadott Village Board members approved resolutions for multiple debt issues, as part of the financial plan discussed over the past couple months, during a regular meeting Aug. 7.

One debt issue was for a public works truck already purchased by the village, to help the village’s General Fund balance.

“A truck purchase is probably something that should have been done with debt, all along,” said Josh Low, Ehlers.

The resolution for the $51,000 truck loan was approved at 5.25 percent, with a 10-year amortization, through Northwestern Bank.

Resolutions for State Trust Fund Loans for the Brown Street and State Hwy. 27 projects were also approved, at 5.75 percent. Low says the Brown Street loan for $80,000 is a 20-year, fixed-rate loan.

“It’s longer, so the rates are going to be a little bit higher.” said Low.

The financing for the $380,000 State Hwy. 27 project has an amortization of 17 years. Low says the length aligns with Tax Increment District (TID) No. 5’s timeframe.

Members also approved the purchase of two AEDs for the public works department. Jeremy Kenealy, director of public works, says they would like to have one in the village office and one in the truck. He says they will use the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding for the purchase.

“It’s something that’s very important when someone’s in cardiac arrest,” said Kenealy.

Board member Nicole Whipp-Sime suggested they make sure there is visible signage for the AED, so people know it is there.

Kenealy also reported the maintenance worker for the storm siren on the west side of town, near Cloverleaf, suggested it be replaced. He said they could also use the ARPA funds for that.

“Then, they would all be new in town,” said Kenealy. “We put the two in last year, that were brand new.”

Kenealy says the proposed siren is equipped so it would still sound, even if they lost total power in town.

Board members approved the purchase of the storm siren.

Community member Russ Falkenberg was also on-hand to discuss running a sewer line on the north side of Hartford Street, between Spruce and Ash streets.

“What I’m considering doing, is building on the easternmost lot that I have on Hartford Street,” said Falkenberg. “As we know, there is no sewer on Hartford.”

He proposed running the utilities across other properties he owns, from East M.D. Street. If sewer becomes available along Hartford Street in the future, Falkenberg says he would connect the residence at Hartford then.

The issue was referred to the Utilities Committee for further discussion.

John Mikesh, Chippewa Surveying, also talked about the topography of the Glenn and Alynn Schofield property, at 801 N. Main Street. The Schofields made more changes to the topography of their yard than is allowed under village ordinances, in efforts to slow down water coming through their yard.

Mikesh showed a drawing of Schofields’ lot, and said the main issue is making sure the water does not back up. He suggested landscaping/tapering certain areas, so the water goes into the natural runoff.

Board member Les Liptak suggested an on-site meeting with Mikesh, to get a better understanding of what Mikesh thinks needs to be done at the property.

“I think it can be resolved with a little bit of landscape work,” said Mikesh.

In committee reports, board member Todd Seeley says the Park Committee met with the Cadott Community Association (CCA), who said they would be interested in helping with updates to the basketball court, if the village decides to update the tennis courts or add pickleball courts. Seeley says the CCA would like to go forward with getting a plan.