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Public’s help is needed with deer and game bird surveys

Public’s help is needed with deer and game bird surveys
A Ruffed Grouse Struts On A Mossy Log.
Public’s help is needed with deer and game bird surveys
A Ruffed Grouse Struts On A Mossy Log.

The Wisconsin DNR is seeking the public’s help collecting crucial deer and game bird management data. The data will be collected through the Operation Deer Watch Survey and the Game Bird Brood Observations Survey.

These surveys are designed to measure the reproductive status of deer and game birds. Data from public observations is used to collect crucial deer and game bird management information, including a fawn-to-doe ratio for deer and a poult-to-hen ratio for game birds.

The ratios are then compared to data from previous years, to estimate how productive this year’s deer herd/game birds are.

Whenever out and about in Wisconsin, residents share observations of deer and game birds, through the Survey123 submission tool. Everyone interested in wildlife, from hunters and trappers to outdoor enthusiasts, is encouraged to participate.

“Every submission increases our dataset and helps Wisconsin have a clearer picture of how wildlife is doing,” said Jes Rees Lohr, assistant DNR surveys coordinator. “It’s an easy way to be involved in wildlife management in our state.”

The deadline to submit bird observations for the Game Bird Brood Survey is Aug. 31. The deadline to submit deer observations for the Operation Deer Watch Survey is Sept.


Participation in the surveys is simple, doesn’t require registration and can be done using a mobile device. If in a vehicle, participants should only record sightings when their vehicle is stopped, not while driving.

For Operation Deer Watch, the public should report the location, deer type (buck, doe or fawn) and the number of deer seen. This information helps to determine the fawn-todoe ratio and ultimately, deer population estimates.

For Game Bird Brood Observations, the DNR needs to know the bird species (turkey, ruffed grouse or pheasant), the type (adult or poult) and the number observed of each type. This information is a basis for monitoring the reproduction of game birds for that breeding year.

For more information, visit