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We must protect five freedoms for future generations

Our First Amendment rights and the freedom we are given by being afforded these rights are what America stands for and why we are considered one of the best countries in the world. These freedoms are being challenged daily even in today’s times as we see with abortion protests, voting and ballot issues, academic freedom, and the Black Lives Matter movement.

Freedom is a priceless gift that we cannot take for granted. Americans have sacrificed their lives to protect our freedoms of religion, freedom of speech, and freedoms we are forever obligated to protect for the future. Our nation protects its freedoms by uniting together but oftentimes as we see currently not everyone agrees, but that’s ok and it’s what makes the First Amendment rights so important.

People in America can peacefully protest and express their opinions and often we have to agree to disagree on things like Roe vs. Wade. The decision to overturn Roe has caused conflicts around the country. Some states are still allowing abortions whiles others are not and is one of the biggest debates currently facing voters this November as we vote for our leaders in each state as some agree with the federal government’s decision to overturn Roe while others campaign against it.

This brings us to other controversies as to whether our politicians should interfere in a women’s right to choose, in religious and academic freedom, and regarding casting our vote early and challenges to ballot counting. The Black Lives Matter movement is a social movement to show the racism and inequality facing Black Americans. Within this moment, focus has been on police brutality and racist violence in many communities around the country.

No matter what the circumstances though, we are constantly uniting together to work on issues and in desperate times most Americans are willing to help others in need and protect our nation’s people and their freedoms. It is because of our First Amendment that we are able to show great acts of humanitarianism, which are envied by other countries. Our country stands with other countries like Ukraine to help their people in this desperate war situation. A country that helps others protect their rights in return helps us protect ours.

If we surrendered to acts of terror or tragedies, we could lose the gift of freedom, which we cannot afford. As a country, we continuously work together to provide future generations with things that we may not have known or could ever dream of achieving.

Americans have sacrificed their lives to protect our freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of press, and these are freedoms we are obligated to protect for the future. We will remain unified and strong in protecting our gift of freedom so future generations will strive and desire to do the same.

By Annalee Mize Second Place, Wisconsin Civics Games Contest Editorial Writing Contest (High School). Annalee Mize is a senior at Gibraltar Area Secondary School.