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Law Enforcement

n January 24 - An officer went to an address in the city of Abbotsford to locate a man in reference to a Clark County warrant. The officer arrived, knocked on the door and was met by a man who identified himself as the man the officer was looking for.

The officer explained that he had a warrant for the man’s arrest and asked for an ID. The man returned with an ID and the officer ran the name through dispatch and was told that the warrant was for a failure to appear for initial appearance on operating while revoked. The officer was told the warrant was bondable in the amount of $150.

The man said he had the money for the warrant and he was placed under arrest and taken to the Colby-Abbotsford Police Department where he paid the warrant and was released.

n January 24 - An officer ran the registration on a vehicle traveling in Abbotsford and it came back as being suspended due to an unpaid parking ticket. The officer made a traffic stop of the vehicle and made contact with the driver. The man driving said he was borrowing the car. As the officer was speaking to the man, he could smell the strong odor of marijuana coming from the car.

The officer ran the man’s name through dispatch and was told that the man did not have a valid driver’s license.

The officer asked the man to exit the vehicle and asked the man how much marijuana was in the vehicle since the officer could smell it. The man said there were none. The officer searched the man and found nothing of evidentiary value. The officer then searched the vehicle and found a black colored ash tray on the center console near the dash. In the ash tray was two partially smoked blunts with a green, leafy substance inside of them. The officer also found a green, leafy substance and a stem inside the center console.

The officer completed citations for operating without a valid driver’s license and possession of marijuana. He then gave the man a verbal warning for suspended registration. The officer transported the evidence to the CAPD and tested the substances for marijuana. They tested positive and weighed in at 0.9 grams.

n January 28 - An officer was dispatched to an area on North First Street in Abbotsford for a traffic complaint. Dispatch advised there was a vehicle that was all over the road.

The officer patrolled the area and located the vehicle matching the description parked in the parking lot of Abby County Market. The officer parked across the street from the parking lot and waited for the vehicle to leave County Market. Another officer was parked near the lot and noticed there was a male in the vehicle and he kept driving the vehicle to different parking spots in the parking lot.

The vehicle left and headed northbound on North Fourth Street. The officer caught up to the vehicle but could not read the license plate. The officer conducted a traffic stop of the vehicle and made contact with the driver. The officer asked the driver for his driver’s license but the man said he did not have one and wrote his name down instead. The name the man wrote down did not match the name the officer later found on a credit card in the man’s possession.

The man said he was driving to his girlfriend’s house in the City of Abbotsford. The officer ran the fake name through dispatch and it did not come back. The man informed the officer he had tuberculosis and had been taking medication for it. He said he was no longer contagious.

The other officer involved deployed K9 Dodge to the vehicle. The officer said K9 Dodge alerted to the vehicle and the initial officer had the man step out of the vehicle and searched him. The officer located in his right back pocket a permanent resident card with a different name than either other name. The officer asked the man if this was him as the picture on the card had a picture that looked just like him. The man said it was not him and it was his brother that left for Mexico two days ago. The officer asked the man why he had his brother’s identification card in his pocket and the man did not have an answer for the officer.

The officer located a clear glass pipe with a white crystallized substance inside in the man’s front pocket. The officer informed the man he would be detaining him and placed him in handcuffs.

The officers searched the vehicle and found several credit cards that had the man’s real name. The officer ran the man’s name through dispatch and it came back with two Wood County Sheriff’s Office warrants. Located near the driver’s seat by the center console was a clear and blue bag with a white, crystallized substance inside. Inside the front passenger side door a clear and yellow bag with a white powdered substance inside. Located behind the driver’s seat was two clear and black bags that appeared to have white crystallized substance inside. Located in a pair of pants in the rear passenger seat of the vehicle was a pink bag with a white, crystallized substance inside. The officer put all of the items in an evidence bag.

The officer informed the man he would be placing him under arrest for his two warrants through Wood County. The officer transported the man to Marshfield Police Department where he met a Wood County deputy. The officer informed the deputy that the man had tuberculosis and is no longer contagious. The deputy called Wood County Jail to see if they would take him due to his condition. The Wood County deputy called a Wood County judge and had the warrants dismissed with a new court date and time he would have to attend.

The officer then informed Clark County Jail staff of the man’s condition. The Clark County Jail staff said they would not accept him. The officer transported the man back to his vehicle and informed him of his new court date.

While back at the police department, the officer tested the substances for controlled substances. The officer found 0.3 grams of cocaine, 0.3 grams of methamphetamine and the clear, glass pipe also tested positive for methamphetamine.