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Cornell School Board; Solar system would be huge for district

Cornell School Board; Solar system would be huge for district Cornell School Board; Solar system would be huge for district

By Ginna Young

It’s not set in stone and if the money doesn’t come through, it could never be, but a solar system is at least in the development stages in the Cornell School District. Superintendent Paul Schley reported at a school board meeting Jan. 23, that he is working on a grant to install some solar panels.

Because of engineering specs, the elementary school rooftop is not an option, but they could go with a different concept. It was suggested by CESA, that a section of panels could sit on the northeast corner of the playground, to make a shelter for the kids to play under and give them some shade on hot days.

“In the winter, it might be fun to build forts around the poles,” said Schley.

Some panels could also go along the elementary school and they could also put some near the trees at the high school.

If the grant money is awarded, CESA would oversee the construction and make sure everything is OK.

Something that was settled, was the naming rights and accepting of gifts policy, which states the district administrator can accept a gift, if it is valued at less than $10,000, and can use the gift of money or property, as intended by the donor. The policy ensures that the donation is in line with the policy, and does not promote anything illegal or offensive.

During the meeting, middle/high school principal Dave Elliott noted that Cornell Police Chief Glenn Rehberg gave the high school three walkie-talkies, so the far-reaching teachers can have instant contact, since announcements are often hard to hear in the shop area.

“He followed through with what he said he was going to, as always,” said Elliott.