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Buetow retires after 36 year career with Cadott

Buetow retires after 36 year career with Cadott Buetow retires after 36 year career with Cadott

Cadott Village Board president Anson Albarado (left)extended thanks to retiring clerk/treasurer Sandy Buetow (right), for all her hard work and dedication, on behalf of the Village of Cadott and the board. The recognition came during a Cadott Village Board meeting Jan. 23. “Thank you for all the work you’ve done for us,” said Albarado. Photo by Julia Wolf

By Julia Wolf

After nearly 36 years working for the Village of Cadott, clerk/treasurer Sandy Buetow is ready for the next phase in her life. Her official retirement date is just around the corner – Feb. 8.

Buetow started out part-time as the deputy clerk for the village, from 1987 until 1994, then took over as the clerk/treasurer from 1994 through 2022.

“It’s been a good career,” said Buetow.

She says the part of the job she will miss the most, are the people – co-workers, colleagues, village residents and board members.

“I think I’ll miss that,” said Buetow.

Some of the biggest challenges Buetow faced in the clerk/treasurer position, were the shift from paper-based work to more online work, and keeping up with the changes around elections.

“There’s always something changing,” said Buetow, adding the rules and everything around the election, change, sometimes year to year.

Buetow says she is looking forward to starting her retirement with some time to relax. If she gets bored, she says she may find a part-time position somewhere. Buetow also hopes to spend more time with her grandchildren.