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2022 was one for the ages

2022 was one for the ages 2022 was one for the ages

The end of the year might not be intended for this but in this day and age of social media and broadcasting our lives, the end of the year serves as a time to reflect on us and what we’ve accomplished.

Seemingly everyone on your news feed posts something with their family saying, “Happy Holidays from ours to yours” or “See you in 2023.” I’ve never been one to post those sort of family updates or year-in-review recaps of what I’ve done over the past 365 days. But here, I’m going to do that recap because a lot has happened over the past year.

The first notable thing I can remember happening in 2022 was the opportunity Nathaniel and I received as we came to work at our hometown newspaper. The stress that came with learning that my schedule would never be the same with nights and weekends occupied with events and meetings that needed to be covered was a tough lesson to learn but now, eight months in, I’d consider myself fully adapted to the schedule. Kaitlyn on the other hand, maybe not so much. She’s a saint and tries to plan dinner or visiting friends around the hectic schedule but it doesn’t always work out. Anyway, I’m off topic.

In July, my grandpa passed away. It was simultaneously, a sad thing and a joyous time as we got to celebrate one of the best men to walk the planet. Our family gathered from multiple states to pay our respects and in the process, we were all able to visit with each other and spend time together.

Throughout a summer full of learning, experiencing new things and lots of hard work, we had to fit a bachelor party and wedding in that busy schedule. Obviously, the wedding is the highlight of my year. (See how much I’ve learned about marriage in three short months?) Truthfully, the day was perfect. Our friends and family all gathered in one place to celebrate us was pretty cool. We are just getting pictures and the video back from the weekend and it’s like experiencing it all over again. The bachelor party however, that’s something that I could experience once and that’s probably all my body, and liver, can handle.

Seeing my uncle and dad do the chicken dance and later polkaing with my aunt is something that will forever be fun.

I guess those are the major talking points but 2022 also provided us with a variety of learning experiences. Plenty of other things happened in our family as we ran through the year. Our basement flooded (twice). The vinyl flooring in our basement living room was shot and it took me and a couple of my friends some time to fix. We had tree limbs taken off of trees that were hanging over our house by Andrew Geiger. Shout out to him and his business, Clear Choice Tree Service. We learned that when he offered to take the limbs away for us, we probably should have paid the money to do that instead of fending for ourselves. Our cats, Penelope, Winnie and Kevin all went through eye colds that they couldn’t shake. That vet bill was for sure a learning experience. I decided we’re going to have to turn them into models for Purina or another cat food company so they can start paying their rent.

Here’s the social media post part: 2022 was full of learning experiences, growth and wonderful times spent with wonderful people. I hope our readers had a wonderful 2022 and enjoy the rest of this holiday season!



