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Hustlin’ and bustlin’

Hustlin’ and bustlin’ Hustlin’ and bustlin’

What day is it? My head seems to be swirling. Days are coming and going, all so fast and soon it will be Christmas. Have I gotten the right gifts for my loved ones? Who am I kidding, I need to keep looking for some yet. The cookies haven’t started themselves. It’s getting so close, early deadlines, tedious tasks, late nights at the office and there just seems to not be enough coffee or time in the world right now.

Does any of what I just wrote sound remotely close to how you feel? If not, that is so very good. I am proud of you. Way to keep your vitality cup full, my man (Insert high five here! *Remember to look at the opposite person’s elbow, you won’t miss). For those of you that have a slight resemblance to the before-mentioned, stay tuned because this lady right here can understand it too. You aren’t in this alone. We will persevere together.

Yes, yes, I too feel a bit overwhelmed in life as the holidays approach. I want to make sure that my loved ones know that they are loved, even though I might not get to spend Christmas and New Years with them. And for the family I do get to spend it with, I want to make sure that everyone enjoys themselves. Plus, there are so many things to get ready. I have put up my tree and decorate the rest of the house. It seems a bit odd to not have the tree up; however, that requires taking time out of my busy schedule. I realize that my anxiety might have fluctuated a bit, but there is still time. Plenty of time. If I keep up at the rate I am going, without- a-doubt, catch whatever sickness is going around now, truly become a Grinch and worse case scenario, push away friends and family because of my bad attitude. No bueno!

So, what can I do to replenish my vitality cup? It is different for everyone. Building my own boundaries and knowing my own limits is a way to start, but not everyone knows or maybe they struggle with that. Taking a breath or two or more; switching back to tea to get more of a gentle start to my day while doing some meditation. Taking a lap or two around the office during the day when frazzled and making it a point to stop from constantly working to get the adequate time for sleep and allowing myself to enjoy these cozy nights.

Taking time out for oneself is huge when it comes to filling up your cup. You can’t pour from an empty one. So take a tip this season: Do not run yourself down. If you do, you lose much more than sleep, you will possibly miss out on those moments that are cherished with your loved ones most of all, this time of year.

“Never give from the depths of your well, but from your overflow.” -Rumi


