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Superintendent search is chance for fresh start

The Colby School District will be replacing longtime Superintendent Dr. Steven Kolden this summer. Kolden will be leaving the district on June 30, 2023 after 13 years with the district and the school system will need to have a replacement in place to lead the school district in his stead.

The process of choosing a new superintendent is one that involves the community with public input sessions and surveys that can be used as information in the search.

Hazard Young Attea and Associates will be heading up the search and has said, “The search process will incorporate input from District stakeholders including parents, staff, administrators, students, business leaders and the community through a series of focus groups and a community-wide survey.”

This presents a great opportunity for community members to voice their concerns about past regimes and what qualities would make a good Superintendent for the school in the future.

On December 7, eight parents showed up to a meeting with HYA representative Scott Winch who will be conducting the interviews and ultimately, making a recommendation for two candidates to be voted on by the school board. In the meeting, Winch asked what the strengths and weaknesses of the school district were and also asked attendees what they’d like to see in a future superintendent.

The exercise seemed helpful as the parents that attended were able to bring concerns to Winch which will ultimately shape the candidate profile the district will be looking for. However, with about 1,000 students enrolled in Colby schools, eight voices out of all the parents with vested interest in the district is not a sufficient ratio.

This is the chance for the parents who have had complaints about how things were handled in the past to have their input heard and acted upon. Just over a year ago, parents lined the Colby High School theater over a mask mandate that the administration had enforced.

Since then, voters replaced a few members of the school board and things have quieted down. But at the meeting, parents complained about low staff morale, a lack of communication from administration to parents, and a litany of other items. Clearly, there are things the future superintendent will need to fix. Parents, staff and other district members will have two more opportunities to have their voices heard before Winch begins interviewing and recommending candidates.

A virtual focus group will be held on December 18 at 7 p.m. More information about this option is yet to come from the district. A communitywide survey will also be held from December 19 to January 2 according to HYA.

These opportunities should be used by parents who wish to see the best for their children and want to see changes within the district.

The Tribune-Phonograph editorial board consists of publisher Kris O’Leary, editor Neal Hogden and reporter Nathaniel Underwood.