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Record Review Thursday, November 16, 1977

Governor Schreiber endorses smokeout day Governor Martin Schreiber demonstrated his support of the American Cancer Society’s (ACS) anti-smoking efforts by proclaiming Thursday, Nov. 17, the “Great American Smokeout -- a day to stop smoking in Wisconsin.”

An ex-smoker himself, Schreiber approves of the Cancer Society’s efforts to get 50,000 of Wisconsin smokers to pledge a day without smoking.

“Most of those who smoke have considered giving up the habit,” said the Governor, “but the thought of never lighting another cigarette is often to hard to face. The American Cancer Society is telling them to take one day at a time.”

The day is designed to draw the public’s attention to the support materials and programs the ACS offers the smoker who wants to quit.

Athens School Board seeks additional aids The Athens School Board met for their regular monthly meeting last Wednesday night. All members were in attendance.

A review of finances showed the school district with a balance. Superintendent Marchel explained that this was due to the regular arrival of state aids funds on schedule.

The board signed the contract with the new bus service. A report was read concerning transporting students from hazardous areas.

Students in Athens who live less than two miles from school are not included in state funding for transportation. The board can apply for funding in areas deemed hazardous by the Department of Public Instruction.

The Str atford Journ al

Thursday, November 16, 1977

A Fitting Tribute I suppose this would be impossible but it would be a wonderful way to recognize a grand old man of politics.

What a fine gesture it would be if Jimmy Carter would resign his office just one 24-hour period and install Hubert H. Humphrey as president for one day, from one noon to the next. He could serve for a half day and go to bed knowing he was president, rising the next morning with the same knowledge.

Humphrey, I am sure is a gentleman and would do nothing to embarrass the country or Mr. Carter. And the lifetime ambition of an honorable politician who had achieved a very enviable record would be realized.

We Should Have a Pea Canning Factory Once in a great while I eat a TV dinner. The Swanson dinners are quite good, but I never buy the Banquet. But there is one drawback to the Swansons, which I believe are made by Campbell’s Soups, and that is those frozen peas that are the vegetable in so many of the dinners.

Why anyone would freeze such a delicious vegetable as the pea I can’t understand. Canned peas are so good, why spoil any of them by freezing.

And speaking of peas, why hasn’t some company started another pea canning factory in the Stratford area. I don’t believe there ever was a more delicious can of peas packed than the Tennie Wieenie peas that were turned out from the Stratford Canning plant.