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Paging Through H Paging Through H

Abbotsford T ribune Published in Abbotsford Thursday, November 6, 1952

G.O.P. Wins in Nation, State and County General Dwight D. Eisenhower won the presidency Tuesday, with the greatest popular vote ever given a candidate. He held 39 states and 442 electoral votes. Gov. Adlai E. Stevenson had nine states and 89 electoral votes. Sen. Richard M. Nixon was the successful running mate of Eisenhower, for vice-president.

The party balance in both the senate and house was very close, with a slight advantage for the Republicans.

In the Congressional contest, Joseph McCarthy was returned to the Senate and Merlin Hull to the House of Representatives.

Governor Walter Kohler, Jr., was reelected by the greatest vote ever given a chief executive in Wisconsin. Winning with Kohler were the other Republican state officers. They were George M. Smith, lieutenant governor; Fred Zimmerman, secretary of state; Vernon Thompson, attorney general; Warren R. Smith, state treasurer.

The voters decided, in a close choice, that they wanted their representation in the state legislature based on population. The referendum amendment, had it passed, would have provided for area as well as population to be considered in the redistricting of the state.

Clark County officers were all returned to office. They were unopposed except for the district attorney, were the choice was between John Nikolay, Abbotsford, Democrat and Clarence Gorsegner, incumbent.

The Tribune-Phonograp h Published in Colby Thursday, November 2, 1972

Jim Nikolay named Abbotsford postmaster Jim Nikolay, clerk at the Abbotsford Post Office since Sept. 28, 1947 has been named postmaster, succeeding Clarence Dolan who retired June 30th of this year.

His appointment became official Saturday, Oct. 28. Since July 1, he has been acting as officer in charge. Born in Medford on June 15, 1927, Nikolay is the son of Mrs. Anna Nikolay, who resides in Abbotsford. He received his education in Abbotsford and also attended for two years the University of Wisconsin at Madison. From 1945 to 1946, he served with the Navy and was stationed for seven months at Pearl Harbor. On Oct. 10, 1953, he married Cleo Studinger at Medford. They reside at 602 Hemlock St., Abbotsford and have six children, Susan, Lynn, Steve, Robert, Jean and Matthew. Nikolay is a member of the Abbotsford Fire Department, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Catholic Order of Foresters and St. Bernard’s Parish.

Nikolay now becomes the 10th person to serve as postmaster for Abbotsford. The others were Charles Partridge from 1880 to 1886, L.R. Roder from 1886 to 1893, Newton E. Denney from 1893 to 1897, Malcolm H. Douglas from 1897 to 1909, Myron DeLapp from 1909 to 1913, J.H. Paustenbach from 1913 to 1923, H.T. Ketcham from 1923 to 1936, Maxwell Jenks from 1936 to 1939 and Clarence Dolan from 1939 to 1972.