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The Athens Acres 4-H Club met on March 15 in the Athens High School music room.
Pledges were said and roll call was taken with 49 members present. The club currently has 69 members with the addition of Kennedy Johnson, Cooper Osimitz, Arabella Preu, Azariah Preu, Jedidiah Preu and Matthias Preu.
March birthdays were Brody Lipinski, Eli Zettler, Dailyn Schmitt and Tryce Schreiner.
The secretary minutes and treasury reports were approved as read. Cloverbuds reported on their plant potting from the last meeting.
Under old business, the club talked about the Irish carnival cake and cupcake decorating. The club was able to get 26 cakes and 198 cupcakes done in under an hour and a half. Club members who came and helped along with our four 4-H alumni were appreciated.
The club tabled the Forward Financial account discussion until the next meeting.
New business included the club’s Easter Egg Hunt update. The date is set for Saturday, April 16, at 1 p.m. at Memorial Park. The club is adding a few other events and posters will be going out by Friday, April 1.
Andrew Frick talked to the club about his involvement in shooting sports for 4-H. At the next meeting, the club will have Sierra Berger talk about showing poultry at the fair.
The club received a letter from Aspirus Comfort Care about making quilts. The club will discuss this more at its April meeting. The club received a very generous donation from the family of Peter Albrecht. The club will plan some very special ways to use this in the community. The Ha-Ha-Box winner was Jack Bornbach.
The club’s next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 19, at 7 p.m. at the Athens High School music room. The meeting was adjourned and club members met in the commons to fill the 4,000 eggs for the hunt.
Junior prom
Athens High School’s Junior Prom will be held on Saturday, April 9, in the high school gym.
There is a small fee for Athens community members to attend the Grand March at 9 p.m. that night.
Post prom activities will again be held at Athens Community Hall.
COVID dashboard
Athens Public Schools reported zero positive cases of COVID-19 as of March 14, out of 552 staff and students.
One hundred and three staff and students have tested positive for COVID-19 since Aug. 31, 2021.
Conference art
The Center for the Visual Arts has announced this year’s Marawood Conference Art Exhibit. This is an annual competitive exhibit that features artists from schools within the conference.
This show will be on display until Saturday, March 26, at their location on the 400 Block in Wausau.
Adult craft
Throughout the month of March, adults can pick up a free Grab & Go craft kit from any of the nine Marathon County Public Library locations.
The kit will contain supplies for making a sar silk-wrapped bracelet. Kits are free and available while supplies last.
People with questions can call the Athens library at 715-257-7292.
College notes
Shay Boesl of Athens graduated from UW-La Crosse during the 57th annual winter commencement ceremony on Dec. 19 at the La Crosse Center.
Boesl graduated from UWLa Crosse with a bachelor of science degree in health and wellness management.
March Book Club
The public is welcome to stop by the Marathon County Public Library’s Athens Branch during the month of March to pick up a copy of “Once There Were Wolves” by author Charlotte McConaghy, along with discussion questions.
People with questions on the February Book Club can call the Athens library at 715-257-7292.
Grab & Go for kids
During the month of April, the Marathon County Public Library (MCPL) will offer a free Grab & Go kit for kids at all nine of its locations.
Each kit will contain supplies for making stained glasslike art pieces using cardstock and colored cellophane.
Kits are free and available while supplies last and can be picked up any time the library is open.
People seeking more information can call the MCPL’s headquarters in Wausau at 715-261-7220.
Family story time
Parents and their children are invited to join the Marathon County Public Library (MCPL) for family story time online Tuesday, March 29, for stories that feature trains. They will also hear a fun rhyme that fits with the trains theme.
A new story time is posted every Tuesday at 10 a.m. on MCPL’s YouTube channel:, but families can watch any time. Online family story time is free.
Families seeking more information on Tuesday online family story times can call MPCL at 715-261-7220.
Senior Citizens
The Senior Citizens card group met on March 17 for weekly card playing at the Athens Area Fire and Ambulance Hall. Two games of Sheepshead was played. Andy Hoest won the first game and Steve Klockziem took second place. Butch Boris won the second game and Ceil Frank placed second. Wil Strack received low score.
Newcomers are encouraged to come play Sheepshead every Thursday from 1-3:30 p.m. at the Athens fire hall.
April Book Club
The public is welcome to stop by the Marathon County Public Library’s Athens Branch during the month of April to pick up a copy of “Confessions of a Domestic Failure” by author Bunni Laditan, along with discussion questions.
People with questions on the February Book Club can call the Athens library at 715-257-7292.