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Law Enforcement

n October 11 - An officer was called to a Colby residence for a complaint of death threats.

The officer met with the complainant whose daughter said she had received a Snapchat friend request on her phone while at school. The girl stated she accepted the friend request and asked the individual who they were, as she was unsure who added her. The individual said he was a former classmate of hers. The girl stated she did not want to talk to the boy and to delete her Snapchat and phone number.

The girl said the boy responded with profanities. The boy then threatened to beat her up and kill her. The girl said she was about to take screenshots of the messages but the boy deleted them before she could do so.

The girl said she believed the boy would actually act on the threat made towards her because she knew how he has treated people and because he has killed animals in the past without reason. The girl said she was scared to leave the bathroom after receiving the text even though she knew the boy did not go to school anymore.

The girl said she has not seen the boy in a long time and does not communicate with him on a regular basis. The officer advised the girl and her mother to call law enforcement if the boy ever reaches out to her again or if she has any unwanted face to face contact with him.

The officer then went to speak with the boy involved. The officer made contact with the boy inside his residence. The boy’s story matched the girl’s and he said the girl made him mad by saying she didn’t want to talk to him and when he’s mad, he does bad things.

The boy said he said he was going to kill the girl then deleted the message. The boy said he was not actually going to kill her but was mad at her. The boy said he was upset and does not allow people to bully him. He said he says “I will kill you” to everyone in his family when he gets mad at them.

The officer told the boy he cannot make threats like that to a person he barely knows. The boy acknowledged his behavior was not OK and informed the officer he was just going through a lot.

The officer told the boy he would be referring charges to Clark County Social Services for his actions. The boy said he understood and the officer planned to follow up with the boy’s mother about the referral.

n October 12 - An officer was dispatched to a residence in the City of Abbotsford for a harassment complaint.

Upon arrival, the officer met with a woman who said she was living in Unity with her husband. She said her husband had moved out and had abandoned her and their two children about seven weeks ago.

The woman said that three weeks after the man moved out, she had moved to a residence in Abbotsford and had been living there for about a month. The woman said her husband did not want anything to do with the children when they were living together.

The woman said that on Oct. 9, her husband had drove past her house multiple times. The next day, the man had pulled into the driveway and was honking his horn and yelling that he wanted to see his children. The man then left. The woman said she did not want to see or speak to him.

The officer asked the woman if the man had ever been violent with them in the past. She said he has not. The officer asked if she was scared for her or her children’s safety. The woman said she was not. The woman said she would be blocking the man from all her social media apps and let the officer know if he follows her again.

Another woman that was with the complainant gave the officer an address that she believed the man to be living at.

The officer went to the residence where a man answered the door and said the man they are looking for was not there.

Later, the man gave the officer a phone number for another woman who had called and asked if the officer was looking for the husband. The officer called the woman and said the husband was on the call as well.

The officer explained the situation to the man who agreed to not go back to the house or try to contact the woman.

The man asked how he could see his kids without getting in trouble. The officer said he would need to contact his county court to set up a child custody agreement with the court. The man agreed to do that and the officer warned him that if he tried to go to the house or talk to the woman again, the man would be charged with harassment/stalking.

The man acknowledged the sentiment and said he would go through the court to have an agreement put in place.

n October 12 - An officer was on patrol in Abbotsford and observed a vehicle traveling south on Hwy. 13. The officer ran the registration on the vehicle and the owner came back as having a revoked driver’s license.

The officer made a traffic stop of the vehicle and made contact with the driver. The officer ran the man’s name through dispatch and it was confirmed that the man had a revoked driver’s license due to an OWI and a warrant through Marathon County.

The officer asked the man to step out of the vehicle and speak to the officer. The officer asked if the man remembered being arrested in 2006 for an OWI. The man said he did. The man said he could call someone and get the $1,000 bond amount he owed the court for missing a court date in 2006.

The man was placed under arrest and transported to the police department where the officer issued the man a citation for operating after revocation due to an alcohol related offense.

Another party arrived with the full bond amount of $1,000 and the man was released from custody.

n October 13 - An officer was dispatched to an Abbotsford residence for a report of a disturbance. The officer made contact with a male and two females who were all standing in the kitchen of the residence. The man and adult female complained that a juvenile was yelling at her parents.

They told the officer that the juvenile was grounded to the residence as a discipline for something she had done prior to the officer’s arrival. The juvenile had wanted to go to the grocery store but because she was grounded, she was unable to go.

The adult male and female blocked the front door to stop the juvenile from exiting the residence. The juvenile pushed with one of her shoulders both the male and female adult in an attempt to move them and get out of the residence. The juvenile was yelling very loudly and another juvenile inside the residence called law enforcement before another residence called due to the juvenile yelling so loud.

The other juvenile said the juvenile who was yelling ran into the bathroom and locked the door when the officer arrived. The officer attempted to talk to the juvenile through the bathroom door but the individual would not answer the officer’s questions or open the door.

The officer informed the parents to call law enforcement if the juvenile exited the bathroom and started to yell again.

n October 15 - An officer was dispatched to a residence in reference to a child custody disagreement. Upon arrival, the officer met with a man who said he wanted to file a report stating that a woman did not abide by the court order for their child custody agreement. The man said he was supposed to have the children for the weekend and sent a person who was approved by child protective services to pick up the children in a different city as the man was at work.

The person approved by CPS to pick up the children had been present when the woman had supervised visitation of the children in the past. The woman sent the man an email saying she would not take the kids to the drop off if the man was not present. The woman also told the man that he had to be at work anyway and would not be around for the children.

The man wanted the situation documented.