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Trial slated

Court proceedings

Taylor County Circuit Court

Christine Kong, 33, Schofield, appeared and entered a plea of not guilty to manufacture/delivery of amphetamine less than or equal to three grams (as a party to a crime) (amended from manufacture/delivery of amphetamine less than or equal to three grams) and delivery of illegal articles to an inmate.

Thomas M. Kramas, 37, Colby, was found not guilty at court trial of disorderly conduct-domestic abuse.

Tyler J. Berndt, 29, Medford, pled no contest to operating while revoked and forfeited $443.

Argjent Dauti, 24, Coal City, Ill., pled no contest to an amended charge of worthless checks and forfeited a fine and restitution of $6,430.90. The original charge had been issue of worthless checks greater than $2,500. A second count of issue of worthless checks greater than $2,500 was dismissed on a prosecutor’s motion.

Kevin T. Hamlet, 56, Medford, pled no contest to a reduced charge of an ordinance violation of disorderly conduct and forfeited $330.50.

Terrence L. Lewis, 50, Greenwood, pled no contest to a reduced charge of an ordinance violation of disorderly conduct and forfeited $330.50.

James R. Marlenga, 60, Athens, pled no contest to an amended charge of reckless driving-endangering safety and forfeited $389.50. The original charge had been operating while under the influence-first offense.

Separate charges of refusing to take test for intoxication after arrest, speeding 16-19 mph over the limit, possession of narcotic drugs and possession of a controlled substance against Marlenga were dismissed on prosecutor’s motions.

Carl F. Schultz, 80, Pewaukee, pled no contest to a reduced charge of speeding 16-19 mph over the limit and forfeited $220.05.

Russell D. Dorn, 39, Stanley, pled no contest to operating while under the influence-fifth offense. Sentence was withheld and Dorn was placed on probation for three years on the condition he serve seven months in jail; pay a forfeiture of $2,498 and supervision fees as ordered by the Department of Corrections (DOC); submit to a DNA sample; and attend any other counseling as deemed appropriate by the probationary agent. In addition, Dorn’s driver’s license was revoked for three years; an ignition interlock device is to be installed on his vehicle for one year; and he must complete an alcohol and drug assessment and comply with the driver safety plan. Dorn also pled no contest to a count of resisting an officer. He forfeited $443 and must submit to a DNA sample. A count of vehicle operator fleeing/eluding an officer was dismissed but read in for sentencing purposes. A count of operating with a prohibited alcohol concentration (PCA)-fifth offense was dismissed on a prosecutor’s motion.

A separate charge of refusing to take test for intoxication after arrest against Dorn was dismissed on a prosecutor’s motion.

Scotty A. Zimmerman, 22, Clayton, pled guilty to an amended charge of possession with intent-THC (less than or equal to 200 grams) (as a party to a crime). The original charge had been possession with intent-THC (greater than 200 to 1,000 grams). Sentence was withheld and Zimmerman was placed on probation for two years on the condition he serve 30 days in jail; perform 100 hours of community service; pay a forfeiture of $518 and supervision fees as ordered by the DOC; submit to a DNA sample; undergo counseling as deemed appropriate by the probationary agent; and must undergo an alcohol and drug assessment within six months and comply with all treatment recommendations. Upon successful completion of all conditions, Zimmerman will be eligible for expungement of the charge.