CAPD budget reflects increases for cities, schools
The Abbotsford City Council approved its end of the Colby-Abbotsford Police Department’s 2023 budget at its meeting on Sept. 21. The budget will require a 3.5 percent increase from last year’s budget for the City of Abbotsford and a 1.8 percent increase from the 2022 budget for the City of Colby. The additional revenue will add $93,719 to the 2023 budget.
Out of that revenue, $67,000 is from donations which includes a campaign that wrapped up in August to help pay officers more and keep staff working for the CAPD. The donations cut into a budget increase of $78,127 in 2023 salaries for department staff. Under the new budget, Colby and Abbotsford school districts would need to pay $3,851 in added fees for police protection, bringing the total to $35,682.
Outside of a substantial salary increase in the budget, fuel for squad cars, automobile maintenance, social security and retirement budget items all experienced increases.
The Abbotsford City Council approved the budget as presented and the budget will now go to the Colby and Abbotsford School Districts as well as the Colby City Council for approval.
The City of Colby will meet on Tuesday, Oct. 4 while the Abbotsford School District board of education will meet Oct. 24 and Colby will meet on Oct. 31.
n The council went over the city’s weed, lawn and snow ordinances as they have had complaints about litter and long grass being prevalent on or near city sidewalks. Alderman Roger Weideman said he has heard citizens complain about long grass and trash on N. First St.
The council agreed that they would start enforcing their ordinance pertaining to weeds, long grass and litter next spring by sending a warning letter to property owners and then fining the owners if it is not taken care of.
n The council discussed possible action for the cemetery. More would be discussed at a future meeting after Mayor Jim Weix had a chance to meet with cemetery representatives.