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Law Enforcement

n September 19 - An officer was dispatched to an intersection in the City of Abbotsford for a one-vehicle crash. The officer arrived on scene and made contact with the male driver with the help of a translator.

The man had watery eyes and a strong odor of alcoholic intoxicant was coming from his breath. The man told the officer he was driving westbound on W. Butternut Street. He then drove his vehicle to the intersection of West Butternut Street near W. Fifth Avenue. The man said he thought W. Butternut continued westbound through W. Fifth Avenue and drove onto the grass of W. Fifth Avenue.

The man continued driving westbound until he struck long grass and several trees where his vehicle had come to a stop. There was damage to the front of the man’s vehicle and the car was towed. There was an open can of beer in one of the cup holders in the vehicle. The man said he was driving home to Unity.

The officer asked the man if he had any alcohol that evening. The man stated he drank five cans of beer. The driver stated he did not have a driver’s license or proof of insurance. The officer ran the man’s name through dispatch and learned that the man had a revoked driver’s license and is not to have an alcohol concentration higher than .02 to operate a motor vehicle.

The officer then ran the man through standardized field sobriety tests and a preliminary breath test. The PBT came back with a result of 0.268.

The officer placed the man under arrest and issued him a citation for operating while under the influence (second offense), operating with prohibited alcohol concentration (second offense), failure to keep vehicle under control, vehicle without insurance, operating while revoked. The man was then released to a responsible party.

n September 20 - An officer looked into a moped that had been parked at a local gas station for six days. The officer saw a male party park the moped while on patrol on Sept. 14. The officer noticed that the moped was still parked in the same spot and the keys were left in the ignition.

The officer ran the registration on the moped and it came back to a Marshfield man. Clark County Dispatch was able to provide the officer with a phone number for the man and so the officer called and spoke to him. The man said he had sold the moped to another Marshfield man a couple of months ago.

The man said this is not the first call he’s gotten from various police departments regarding the registration. The officer told the man he would remove the registration plate and he can pick it up at the Colby-Abby Police Department if he wants it back.

The officer then called the man the moped was sold to and left him a voice mail. If the man calls back, the gas station would like the moped removed as soon as possible.

n September 22 - A man called officers to his residence in response to a theft complaint.

The man stated three weeks ago, he noticed some belongings missing at his residence in the City of Colby. The officer asked if the man could give the officer a day of the week or time of the week he noticed his belongings were missing. The man was unable to give a time frame.

The man stated he was missing electronics, paperwork and 20 DVDs. He said the electronics were Play-Station 3 games and said he couldn’t put a price on the items that were stolen.

The man thought his mother and father might have stolen the items as they had keys to the man’s residence. The man said he did not give his parents keys but they instead took the keys from him.

Later that evening, the officer made contact with the man’s mother. The woman stated she did not take any items from the man’s residence. She also stated she had keys to the man’s residence and goes over to clean the residence often. The woman said she and her husband pay the rent for the man’s apartment because he can not afford rent because he is unemployed.

The woman stated if there is anything missing from the man’s residence that she will have him come up with a total amount of money for her to pay him to resolve the situation.

n September 23 - An officer was dispatched to a local restaurant for a criminal damage complaint.

The officer made contact with an individual who was sitting in her vehicle in the parking lot of the restaurant. The individual stated her vehicle was parked at her residence in Colby and went outside to her vehicle. She noticed there to be Vaseline all over her vehicle. She was unsure what time she went out to look at her vehicle.

The officer noticed there to be Vaseline on the back window, windshield and rear passenger side window. On the back window and windshield it appeared someone used Vaseline to draw obscene images. The individual stated she went to the car wash at Kwik Trip and said not all of the Vaseline washed off of her vehicle and was worried about the substance damaging her vehicle when it dried.

The officer informed the individual to wash her vehicle again. The individual stated she didn’t know who put Vaseline on her vehicle but thinks it was a prank due to it being homecoming at the Colby school district.

The officer informed the individual to call law enforcement if she found out who put the substance on her vehicle.

n September 24 - An officer was on patrol and ran a vehicle’s license plate through a DOT data base and NCIC. The officer was notified that the driver had an outstanding warrant through Marathon County.

The officer initiated a traffic stop. The officer made contact with the driver. The man gave the officer his ID card and another officer arrived on-scene with a Police K9. The K9 officer performed a narcotics sniff of the vehicle which resulted in a positive alert.

The officer had the driver step out of the vehicle and searched him. The officers then searched the vehicle. A brass pipe with suspected burnt marijuana residue was located in the glove box of the vehicle.

The man stated he had no idea the pipe was in the vehicle and that it wasn’t his. The officer packaged the pipe up in an evidence container and ran the driver’s ID card through dispatch. The officer was notified that the man did not have a valid driver’s license. The officer issued the man citations for operating without a valid driver’s license and for not having insurance on his vehicle.

The officer released the man and went back to the police department to test the pipe for marijuana. The test came back positive and the officer mailed the man a citation for possession of drug paraphernalia.

n September 25 - An officer was on patrol at 2:39 a.m. when he noticed a vehicle traveling with no lights on down South 4th Street in Abbotsford. The officer initiated a traffic stop of the vehicle and made contact with the driver. The officer was able to smell a strong odor of an alcoholic intoxicant coming from the driver’s breath and the driver’s eyes appeared to be watery.

The officer asked the driver for a driver’s license to which the driver stated he didn’t have one. The driver gave the officer an identification card and after running the driver’s name through dispatch, it was found that the driver didn’t have a valid driver’s license.

The officer observed in the center compartment of the vehicle, a white substance inside of a clear bag. The officer asked the passenger what was inside of the bag and the passenger stated it was cocaine.

The officer confiscated the bag and placed it in an evidence container.

The officer had the driver step out of the vehicle and asked him if he had been drinking that night. The driver said he had began drinking at 7 p.m. the previous day and stopped at midnight. The officer then asked the driver to perform some field sobriety tests to which the driver agreed.

A preliminary breath test came back with a result of 0.176 BAC. The officer asked the driver whose cocaine it was that was in the clear bag. The driver stated it was not his. The driver then said an unidentified individual while at a local bar smoked the cocaine in his vehicle and left it inside of the vehicle.

The officer went back to the passenger and asked whose cocaine was in the vehicle. The passenger stated they did not know. The officer informed the duo that they would both be charged with possession of cocaine if the white substance tested positive for cocaine.

The officer then placed the driver under arrest for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. After heading back to the police station, the officer issued a citation for operating without a valid license, and operating with prohibited alcohol content first offense.

The officer weighed the bag and tested the contents for cocaine. The test came back positive and the bag weighed 0.3 grams.

The driver was then picked up by a responsible party.