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Abbotsford T ribune Published in Abbotsford Thursday, September 18, 1952

Sheep Sale will be held in Abbotsford Farmers who are in the sheep business, or who are interested in getting in the sheep business, will have a good opportunity to do so Wednesday, September 24, as that is the date for the Wisconsin Sheep sale which will be held at Abbotsford. There will be a good supply of Western ewes to sell in lots from one to as many as any buyer is interested in. There will also be a number of purebred rams which will be consigned by Wisconsin breeders. The program will start promptly at 9:30 a.m. at the Stockyards at Abbotsford and will include discussions by Arthur L. Pope sheep specialist at the College of Agriculture, Madison, and others, on the sheep outlook, managements, breeding problems and market demands.

Mr. Pope says that the ewes will be sound in every way and will sell for considerably less than last year. The sheep day at Abbotsford has been successful for the past number of years and it is expected that a large turnout will again be on hand on the 24th.

Bernice and Lloyd Kaleep Win Bow Championships The Wisconsin Bow Hunters held their archery tournament at Necedah Sunday. Clarence Kalepp and his children, Bernice and Lloyd, were among the 600 persons who competed.

Miss Kalepp won the state championship in the girls’ division and Lloyd is the boys’ champion.

The Tribune-Phonograp h Published in Colby Thursday, September 14, 1972

CCC is reactivated The Colby Chamber of Commerce at a recent meeting unanimously agreed to reactivate the local fund raising organization known as the Colby Community Chest. The Board of Directors of the Colby Chamber of Commerce will assume the responsibility for accountability and distribution of the funds collected. Micahel Streiber has been appointed General C h a i r man of the Colby Community Chest. Many opinions were expressed as to the feasibility for such action. However, the most predominant reason for such action was the elimination of numerous independent campaigns for funds throughout the year. One fund drive a year that would provide the necessary money for sustaining the needs of local groups as well as state and nation organizations with local representatives, would be much more desirable.

One united effort, with the cooperation of the entire community, will eliminate the necessity of many people ringing door bells nearly every month of the year. Another point of importance was the fact that during the past several years when no community drive was made there were worthy organizations that failed to receive any contributions for the Colby area. The failure to be able to recruit local solicitors was the cause for such oversight. At this time, the need for solicitors is apparent.