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Sales booming through the roof for LH Products

Sales booming through the roof for LH Products Sales booming through the roof for LH Products

By Ginna Young

One thing COVID didn’t slow down, is the demand for quality items, which is something LH Products delivers. The student-run business is on pace to reach their $10,000 goal in sales, something they haven’t seen in the years they’ve operated.

Before the Christmas break, the company took in $7,300, blowing by their all-time annual earnings of $6,000.

“The Etsy page is booming,” said senior Carter Dixon.

Entirely self-funding, the business turns out wood coasters, key chains, ornaments, bucket toppers and fish boards (for scaling). “We have a lot of things in stock, but the main thing that sells is the sports fish boards,” said tech ed teacher Andy Lorenzen.

Lorenzen says the students make 10 boards at a time, but the popular item is practically out the door as soon as they’re made. LH Products is in such demand, they even got an order at the end of July, so, although school wasn’t back in session, some students came in and helped get the coasters ready for shipment.

A couple teachers even pitched in and sanded coasters on their decks at home.

With the business end of the company un- der new management by Morgan Milas, LH Products continues to run smoothly. In just the first year with the business, Milas says it’s just trying to keep up with orders.

“Everything’s working pretty well,” she said.

One thing she and Lorenzen agreed on, is that they need more kids to join the enterprise. While the students aren’t paid, per se, once expenses are met and seed money is kept for the next year, their dividends go back into scholarships.

With a crop of seniors set to graduate, new students are needed to keep LH Products expanding.

“It’d be nice to see it grow,” said Lorenzen.

Items the business make can be found at, with a link to the Etsy shop.