Gilman projects 11% drop in school taxes for 2022-2023 year
“Keep in mind these numbers are just a projection, they are not finalized,” this is the point Superintendent Walter Leipart emphasized to the Gilman School Board on Monday night at the monthly board meeting.
Based on last year’s projection and this year’s anticipated budget, the mill rate will decrease by 11%. Which would make an average tax rate of $9.48 per $100,000 of value, translating to $948 in the school portion of the property tax bill on a $100,000 home.
A smaller increase has occurred in employee health insurance from a projected 14% increase to only a 4.7% increase.
The Gilman School District applied for a Dream Up grant to increase child care services in the community.
Board member Darrell Thompson asked “What brought this up to the board?”
Leipart answered, “There was a state grant that was available for investigating increased access to daycare within the community. So we signed on and with it the funds could be used for assessments. To be clear, we don’t have a commitment to open any sort of day care. This is just a way to give a voice to members of our community.”
The Gilman Empty Spaces Committee is looking at projects that could help get students more involved in running small businesses throughout the community.
In other business:
_ The track resurfacing project is almost complete, the lines have yet to be painted on and have a projected completion of mid-August.
_ The project of having a miniature golf course and sand volleyball court on the campus grounds is being considered for a future project. Leipart said “There is space to do a lot of different things there.”
_ Stephanie Clavitz has resigned her position as JV Volleyball Coach, Lexi Chaplinski has taken her position.
_ Kaylee Rudnick is now hired as the Special Education Teacher.
_ Academic standards through Department of Public Instruction (DPI) for Wisconsin are remaining the same for the district for this upcoming school year.
The following handbooks were updated:
2022 Handbooks:
Added description of Dean of Students, bell schedule, updated graduation requirements, open campus for seniors, counselor/mental health navigator role, clarifi cation to bus ridership (pick up and drop off), meal prices, recess and noon hour, clarification of searches and/or drug dog search, student reports and STOPit app, clarification of academic dishonesty, cheating and plagiarism.
Change overall language to be less authoritative to clearly stating expectations.
Extracurricular code handbook:
Added language referencing senior open campus.
Coaches handbook:
Added language for head coach to support lower level coaches and programs and WIAA guidance for open gyms.
Technology and iPad Responsible use handbook:
Added estimated costs for repair/replacement of devices. As of July 1: costs are subject to change.