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Climate Change in Madison

Dear Editor: It was so uplifting to read the recent news on climate change from the $350-billion petroleum company Exxon Mobil. Yes, they too have come to the realization that climate change is real and it is caused by humans, a large portion of the problem creating climate change is the burning of fossil fuels, fuels that Exxon produces.

Exxon believes they face serious financial problems without far-reaching environmental change. The business of the petroleum industry needs to change to provide future economic benefit.

The shareholders of Exxon were convinced as well, voting in three independent board members to help with the transition. Many more of the biggest companies in America are following on the same path as Exxon. Time Magazine reports that more than 1000 companies collectively worth $23 trillion have set emission reduction goals consistent with the Paris Agreement.

Interesting though is that some of our elected officials have not come to the same conclusion regarding climate change as our business leaders. There is a bill in The House of Representatives, The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, with nearly 100 co-sponsors. The bill will put a price on carbon spawning innovation to industry to develop alternative energy sources.

Pricing carbon is supported by over 3500 economists including four former Chairs of the Federal Reserve, 27 Nobel Laureate Economists, 15 former Chairs of the Council of Economic Advisers, 2 former Secretaries of the U.S. Dept. of Treasury and the American Petroleum Industry (API). The beauty of this bill is that it is revenue neutral; the money collected will be given back to the public. More information regarding this bill can be found at

Our representatives need to hear from you about climate change. Each one is very receptive to public opinion. Please call or email them with your climate change concerns. Ask them to support this bill.

Representative Thomas Tiffany - (202)-225-3365 Senator Tammy Baldwin - (202)-224-5653 Senator Ron Johnson - (202)-224-5323 Michael Pesko Rice Lake