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Questions why ACT perfect scores were on front page

Vox Pop

Electric car entrepreneur Elon Musk has purchased the social media platform Twitter. Ostensibly his reason for doing this is to promote free speech and end what Mr. Musk sees as censorship on the platform. Hmmm, I wonder if Mr. Musk could be persuaded to purchase Central Wisconsin Publications.

Congratulations to Saskatoon Damm and Ben Ortengren for earning perfect scores in the ACT test. Your hard work and perseverance has paid off and that same hard work and perseverance will serve you well as you pursue advanced education and later in life as you enter into a career.

The two achievements garnered front page publication in The Star News. But it came to light in discussions of the recent Medford School District referendum that District students rank lower than one half of Wisconsin grade nine through twelve schools. Was the high visibility front page coverage given to the two students a well deserved shout out to them or an attempt by The Star News to portray current public school administration as successfully educating our students which obviously they are failing to do.

The current administration in Washington, D.C. was loathe to admit to the inflation running rampant in the American economy. The administration then pivoted to blaming Vladimir Putin and the war in Ukraine as the reason for the ongoing inflationary spiral. The Federal Reserve has stated that inflation will only be “transitory” that is, temporary. If you are a subscriber to The Star News you may not have noticed the per issue price has increased to $1.50. Nope, no infl ation in the economy folks.

— Bryan Bormann, Medford Editorial note: The story on last year’s ACT scores being lower than the past ran on the top of the front page of the November 25, 2021 issue of The Star News as part of a story on the DPI annual report cards.