Wildlife Among the DNR’s ….
Among the DNR’s wildlife advisory questions this year:
_ The public will be asked if it favors increasing the student registration fee for trapper education.
_ The idea of allowing the purchase of multiple turkey harvest authorizations per day when the season is open will be presented.
NRB advisory
The Natural Resources Board adviso-
questions are:
_ Would you support the Natural Resources Board requesting from the DNR another review of the impacts of the crossbow season on Wisconsin’s gun deer season?
_ Do you support having the Wisconsin DNR undertake a two-year pilot project to test if offering a healthy herds incentive payment to landowners and hunters can increase the testing rates and remove CWD-positive deer to levels effective in reducing prevalence and slowing disease spread?
WCC questions
Highlights from the Wisconsin Conservation Congress questions include:
_ Would you support re-establishing in-person deer registration stations, would you support returning to the requirement to wear back tags and would you support returning to carcass tagging procedures as was done in the past?
_ Do you support or oppose the presence of captive cervid operations (game farms and shooting preserves) in Wisconsin?
_ Would you support a reallocation of antlerless fund fees to establish a statewide dumpster program for handing deer carcass disposal?
_ Do you support the Conservary tion Congress working the DNR, Legislature and the NRB to allow passengers on ATVs not designed to transport passengers for hunting, fishing, trapping and agricultural activities?
_ Do you support a population management goal of 350 wolves or less for the state of Wisconsin?
_ Do you favor the DNR and NRB working with the Legislature to create a registration system and fee for canoes and kayaks?
_ Would you support banning the use of dogs from hunting wolves in Wisconsin should wolves get delisted again?
_ Do you support the Conservation Congress working with the DNR to develop and support a ban on all killing contests?