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Rib Lake begins search for new administrator



The search for a new District Administrator has begun for the Rib Lake School District.

Rick Cardey, who has been involved with the district for the past 25 years, is retiring in May. Interviews for his position will begin on February 28 with hopes to have a new administrator hired by March.

The Rib Lake Board of Education seeks district residents willing to serve as community representatives on the community advisory committee that will interview candidates for the next district administrator in the School District of Rib Lake. Interviews are tentatively scheduled to be held February 28, 2022.

If interested, email JoAnne Peterson at or call the district office at 715-427-3222. Deadline to express interest is February 17 at 4 p.m. A list of community members will be reviewed with committee balance in mind. Those community members selected to participate in the interviews will be contacted by Monday, February 21.

The district is looking for a Summer School Coordinator for this coming summer school program. The job description was posted on February 14. There will be a list of courses that will be posted in April, so parents can see which courses their child can take.

Special Education Aide job position has been posted and interviews are now happening. Contact the school if interested.

In order to give the district a spring break for the 2022-2023 school year the dates of Friday April 14, 2023- Tuesday April 18, 2023, have been marked as spring break holiday. To make this work out for the rest of the year, and to let the school still get out at a reasonable time frame, two dates were added to the end of May, making the last day of school Wednesday, May 31, 2023. This would make the same number of teaching days throughout the whole school year.

Due to the COVID-19 “5 and 5” rule that was put in place this past month by the district, there are 11 students that have been in close contact, and are in quarantine but all 11 students are in school and wearing masks.

Cardey added “I see strains of the flu going through the schools too, where it’s just a two-day gastrointestinal flu and pre-COVID, February and March were always the worst months for the flu. Students and staff have been really receptive to the 5 and 5 rule.”

Mid-year budget report stated that as of January 31, the Fund 10 categories were running as projected. The maintenance budget still has money available for purchases. Co-curricular Activities budget is a little higher than last year, due to the fall and winter athletics happening as usual. Pupil services and guidance is higher this year because there wasn’t a full-time guidance counselor this time last year. Special Education expenses will be finalized in June. There is a 5% increase in the electric bills and a 10% increase in the natural gas bills so those areas may go over budget. Food and bus services are higher than in previous years.

John Dallmann, elementary school principal gave an Achievement Gap Reduction report for the first semester of the year. Dallmann reported that the goal for any class in the elementary school is to be in the 80th percentile. Thirteen out of the 32 students in the kindergarten class, have met or are close to achieving their end of year goal. In the kindergarten class, twenty out of 34 kids tested at 58.8% in math at the beginning of the year.

Dallmann added giving a brief report on how the elementary school is doing. A Child Development day has been scheduled for March 10, where parents can bring their child who may be turning 3 or 4 before September 1, to get their hearing and vision screened. This can give the children time to play and interact with other children as well.

Pride Pump proceeds are going towards the kindergarten class during the month of February.

The school recently bought a Gaga Ball pit, which is a large hexagon shaped play area, which is played like dodgeball, the kids can use their hands to push the ball at people.

This idea came from a 5th grader who sent around a petition to his peers, and numerous kids signed it. After Dallmann asked for more information on it, the student then put together a presentation to present to him so that they could get a Gaga Ball pit. After considering this, Dallmann accepted, and it is now in the intermediate center for the 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders.

“Garrett Anderson and his class put the pit together,” Dallmann said. “The game will be going outside as soon as the snow melts, but for now, it has become a must play game during indoor recess. It will be a great addition to the playground.”

Kirsten Budimlija gave her report on the middle and high schools. She commented on how well the Prom Perfect event went in the high school. During this event, an estimated 40-50 dresses were given away. The school’s Culture of Champions program partnered with Mrs. Taylor County Dawn Quednow to put on this event.

“It was very exciting to see how happy this event made these girls,” Budimlija said.

She added by saying that the Regional Spelling Bee is happening in Stratford on February 16, Seamus Highfill, Jack Dananay, Slade Scheithauer, and Madelyn Dallmann (alternate) will be representing Rib Lake in this event.

Valedictorian and Salutatorian were determined from this past semester for the Class of 2022. Kylie Goodrich is Valedictorian and Molly Heiser is Salutatorian.

Parent/teacher conferences for the elementary, middle, and high schools are on the 24th of February.

Nadia Czahor was selected as student of the month in the high school.

Craig Scheithauer becomes softball head coach this season.

Paul Yanko is hired as the JV Baseball coach.

The 2022-2023 projected Cooperative Education Service Agency (CESA) Service Contract has been established. Included in this contract is occupational therapy via presence learning, school psychologist via presence learning, professional development, and staff improvement. This creates a total estimate of $92,991, which is less than it has been in recent years. The board approved this contract.

A plan for the Esser III funds, which is federal grant money given to schools, for the 2022-2023 school year has a budget of $600,060. This money would be used for curriculum resources and supplies, to support various clubs throughout the district, including ones that increase connections to the students. Maintenance, flexible furniture for students, and even nursing services are included with this budget. Automatic toilets and sinks were addressed, because the toilets and faucets are original from when the school was built in 2000.

Cardey also went through the plan of possible summer projects that need to be addressed.

Elementary school projects include:

• KMC Room HVAC controller Replacement (awaiting bid).

• Blacktop new parking area.

• Sidewalk.

• Parking lot maintenance. Middle School projects include:

• Hallway interior door replacement.

• Exterior gym door replacement (East side).

• Railing on loading dock.

• Ceiling tile replacement. High School projects include:

• Collapsing plumbing pipe replacement.

• Secure entrance to the high school (creating another entrance after the double doors, to give the office admittance into the rest of the school).

• Locker addition to meet increase in numbers.

Campus Projects inlude:

• Tennis court crack sealing.