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L OG _ Jan. 24 - An officer was dispatched to a Colby residence in reference to a suspicious vehicle. The officer met with a woman who noticed a red Ford sedan with a male driver going up and down the streets multiple times.

The previous day, she said the vehicle had been traveling down the alley at St. Mary’s School. The complainant said her neighbors had video recording the vehicle because they too found it to be suspicious. She said her nor her neighbors recognize the occupants. She said she would try to get a license plate number if she sees it again.

As the officer was checking the area, he was flagged down by a neighbor who saw the red sedan take off on STH 13. The officer said he would do extra patrols in the area.

_ Jan. 25 - An officer spoke to a woman regarding a possible restraining order violation. The woman said she is currently going through a divorce with her husband, and he has limited visitation hours with their children.

During a recent visit at a neutral location, she said her children saw their father going through one of the child’s iPads and taking pictures with his cell phone. She thought this may be a violation of his restraining order.

The officer was able to review the restraining order and did not see anything restricting the husband from having photos of his wife or children. He relayed this information to the complainant.

_ Jan. 27 - An officer was dispatched to a Colby residence in reference to a male party breaking items inside an apartment. When the officer arrived, he noticed several items scattered around the apartment, a laptop computer with a scattered screen and a TV with obvious signs of damage.

He spoke to a male party who said he had been arguing with his ex-girlfriend, who still lives with him at the apartment. He said it started when she called him at work and accused him of talking to other women.

He said they were not together anymore so he was free to talk to other women. He said his ex must have seen messages on his computer to other women. He said he noticed several broken items when he arrived home and tried to get his ex to leave. He said nothing physical happened.

The officer also spoke to the ex-girlfriend, who admitted she was upset because the male party was talking to other women. She said he was the one who broke several items when he got angry.

She also said he pushed her, which made her afraid because he has kicked her in the past. She said the only thing she did was throw some of his clothes onto the couch.

The officer returned to male party, who admitted to breaking a small TV and a mirror inside his ex-girlfriend’s bedroom. He admitted to destroying property in the past.

The officer decided to arrest to the male party for disorderly conduct with a domestic abuse enhancer.

He was taken into custody and transported to Marathon County Jail.

_ Jan. 27 - An officer was dispatched to an Abbotsford residence in reference to a cat bite, which had been reported by the hospital in Medford. The officer met with a male subject at the residence.

He said it was weird the officer was there about the cat and wanted to see a warrant. The officer asked if he had been bitten, and the male subject said he was scratched and it caused a rash on his hand.

The officer also spoke to a female party at the residence, who said she had been lightly bitten by their cat two weeks ago, but it didn’t break the skin. She said they just recently went to the hospital because she and the male subject had developed rashes. She said she was given a shot and some cream to use.

The officer gave her the department’s rabies control form, explained how to fill out and directed to drop it off at the police station after it was completed.

_ Jan. 28 - An officer was dispatched to a Colby residence in reference to someone who tried to run over the complainant with a vehicle.

The officer met with a couple and their child. The male party said he had arrived home and noticed his wife was in a vehicle with another man. He said he approached the vehicle and his wife got out and took off.

He said he attempted to grab the driver’s side door handle so he could talk to the male driver, but the driver took off, almost running him over. The female party said the other man was a friend of hers.

The officer noticed a red mark on the female party’s face. He first asked the male party about, and he said she had fallen.

He next talked to the female party, who initially said she fell but then admitted she was struck by her boyfriend. She told the officer she did not want to get him into trouble and to forget about it. The offi cer explained to her how domestic abuse laws worked.

The boyfriend was arrested for domestic battery and taken to Clark County Jail. The offi cer later spoke to the other male party involved, who said he did not try to run anyone over and did not witness the altercation between the victim and her boyfriend.

_ Jan. 28 - A Colby man spoke to an officer about his neighbor driving over the curb and across his lawn. He said this was the second time in a week he had done this.

The officer went to the complainant’s house and could see tire tracks in his lawn. The offi cer called the neighbor and told him to stop driving his vehicle over the complainant’s lawn. The neighbor said he would try to be more careful in the future.

_ Jan. 28 - An officer met with a Colby woman to discuss a theft complaint. She said she had placed an order for some prescription glasses and accessories from an eyewear company, which says they delivered the items to the local post office on Jan. 19.

The complainant contacted the post office and was told the package was delivered on Jan. 19. She checked around her property and did not see any packages. The officer advised her to contact the eyewear company and see if she can get her money back.

_ Jan. 29 - An officer observed a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed on STH 13 in Colby. He used his radar unit to clock the vehicle going 62 miles per hour in a 45 mph zone. The vehicle then entered a 30 mph zone while going 51 mph.

The officer activated his emergency lights near the intersection with North Street. The vehicle turned on its hazard lights and slowed but continued traveling south. The vehicle ran a red light at the intersection with Spence Street. The officer activated his siren, and the vehicle turned into a nearby parking lot.

As the officer started talking to the driver, he noticed two cans of beer in the center console, one of which was open. The driver first rolled down his rear window and then rolled down his driver’s window.

The officer collected information from the driver and his passenger and ran it through dispatch, but neither name came back on file.

The officer noticed the driver’s eyes were bloodshot and glassy and he had alcohol on his breath.

The officer had the driver exit the vehicle for field sobriety tests. The driver completed the tests and also submitted to a preliminary breath test, which showed a blood-alcohol content of .114. He was arrested and taken to the police station.

The officer also spoke to the passenger, who said he had not had anything to drink. He provided a breath sample, which showed a .00 BAC.

At the police station, the driver registered a .09 BAC and was cited for drunk driving, driving without a license and speeding (25-29 mph over.) He was then released to the passenger.

_ Jan. 29 - An officer was driving through Abbotsford when he was waved down by a male subject standing outside a bar. The subject showed the officer where his vehicle had been scratched along the driver’s side.

He said he first noticed the damage when he exited the bar. The officer photographed the damage.

_ Jan. 29 - An officer was driving on First Street in Abbotsford when he noticed a vehicle parked in the front lawn of a residence.

The officer walked up to the vehicle and saw a man asleep behind the wheel. The car was still running, as there was exhaust coming out of the tailpipe. The officer knocked on the front passenger’s side window several time in an attempt to wake up the driver, but it did not work.

The officer opened the passenger’s door and shook the driver several times before he would wake up.

The officer asked him for his driver’s license, and he fumbled around in his wallet for while but was unable to come up with anything.

The officer could see photo identification in the wallet and was eventually able to get it from the driver.

The driver’s speech was slurred, his eyes were glassy and he had alcohol on his breath. The driver’s name did not come back through dispatch.

The officer asked the driver several times if he would do field sobriety tests, but he kept on mumbling. Eventually he agreed to do the tests.

The officer started the tests, but the driver was swaying back and forth and was unable to complete them. He was arrested and taken to the police station, where he urinated through his pants and all over the floor of a bathroom.

He refused to do a breathalyzer test and he couldn’t think of someone to pick him up, so he was transported to Clark County Jail.

At the jail, he initially refused to get out of the squad before the officer grabbed his arm to assist him.

_ Jan. 29 - An officer was dispatched to an Abbotsford apartment in reference to a disturbance.

The officer met with a couple who said they got into an argument, and a television fell off a TV stand and landed on the floor. The female party asked the officer if he had anything better to do then come and talk to her.

The officer said he was just responding to a call. The female party said she wanted to go home. The officer explained to her how she could get a bus ticket back home. The female party accused the officer of saying she was involved in human trafficking.

The officer said he had no idea what she was talking about. He warned them to keep the noise down for the rest of the night.

_ Jan. 30 - An officer was dispatched to an Abbotsford residence in reference to a possible probation violation.

The officer met with a woman who had received a text message from a male party who was not supposed to have any contact with her. She said she is trying to block his number but it’s not working.

The officer confirmed that the male party was not allowed to have any contact with the complainant. He contacted probation and informed them of the situation.