Artist puts heart into painting, life
Sandra Lange of Heartfelt Paintings and Crafts started her journey in April of 2021 after turning 65, but her love of the arts and coordinating colors has been there since she was a little girl.
Her life started in Detroit Michigan where she grew up and graduated high school. For summer vacations, Lange and her family visited her grandparents annually on Lake Superior in the upper peninsula. That “Paradise in Abundance” small town of 400 is where her love of nature began and has flourished ever since.
During her life, Lange did not reach too many personal goals. Unfortunately she got caught in the web of alcoholism.
Lange said “For 50 years I was an every other day fall down drunk—so many years wasted.”
Then in October of 2020, she made the decision to set down the bottle and pick up the paint brush. Never having painted before, this was the challenge that she needed in her life. Since then her passion for the arts has grown daily.
Painting, for Lange, only started out as a hobby to keep herself busy, especially at night so that she would not want to drink. However, as she learned to paint, she found herself being unable to set down the brush. She slowly acquired a new hobby and turned it into her therapy. As she developed and improved her skills, it also fed into improving her self esteem, self confidence, and has opened up a whole new world for her.
Through the encouragement of some of her friends, her hobby progressed into a small business that she officially started in November 2021, which she lovingly calls “Heartfelt Paintings and Crafts.” So far, it has been mildly successful with wonderful new doors to open for the future.
In January of 2022, her website was launched and she has become a member of the Medford Area Chamber of Commerce. Her aspirations are to paint full time and provide wall art to homes and businesses that her customers can love and appreciate and that she can be proud of.
For more information: Visit www.heartfeltpaintings. com Or email Sandra at: heartfelt54451@