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any time, so the dollar ….

any time, so the dollar might be a mirage, but what is real is what’s on the document,” he said. Another cause for concern, according to Machtan, is a provision in the contract which requires the village to waive all claims for the “risks and nuisances associated with electrical energy generation” unless it is caused by wind farm’s “negligence or intentional misconduct.”

“Anywhere there’s electrical generation I believe there has been claims of stray voltage causing animal health problems or milk production issues,” he said. “There are also claims of cancer.”

Under the contract as written, if a village resident claimed to have gotten sick from the electrical line, the resident could not go to the energy company for compensation, leaving it to the village to take on the liability, Machtan said.

“They’re not written for the benefit of the landowner,” he said.”When there are things that are so incredibly difficult to understand, I just think we all need to proceed with a lot of caution.”

Trustee Jon Unruh said he had also read over the contract and encountered several provisions that gave him second thoughts above approving it.

“If they wanted to cut down all of the trees back there, they could do it,” he said. “If it helped wind generation, they could cut down every tree on the property.”

Unruh sent a series of questions to a representative of the energy company about the wind farm project and the con­tract.

He said a dealbreaker for him would be a provision that allows the company to greatly reduce the amount of land it is leasing, and thus reduce its payments to the village.

“I don’t think that’s something we can do because the money they’re promising they are not contractually obligated to deliver,” Unruh said.

At a village board meeting in December, an RWE representative told board members that the village would receive payments for the full amount of land even if only a small part of it is used.

“Even if we only use a tiny portion of it for the collection line, if you participate with a 170 acres, you would receive compensation for that entire 170 acres,” said Timur Shevket, wind development manager for RWE.

Machtan said he is personally in favor of wind energy and has nothing against the proposed project, but wants to make sure landowners like the village are treated fairly.

“I’m not against the project. I’m not against the energy source,” he said. “It’s just that, when it affects my friends and neighbors, I want them to know what this stuff means and how it might impact them.”