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L OG _ Dec. 13 - An officer responded to an Abbotsford residence in reference to a person there stealing water from the city.

The resident owed the city $800 in unpaid water bills, and his water had been shut off twice before. A large concrete block had been placed over the access point, but someone from the city called to say that somehow the water had been turned back on.

The officer spoke to the resident, who had already been cited once for theft of the water. The resident claimed that the city forgot to turn his water off and made other excuses.

The officer suspected that the resident was high on methamphetamine. He was informed that he would be receiving another citation for theft.

_ Dec. 14 - An officer was dispatched to a local motel in reference to a harassment complaint. He met with a man who said he was receiving harassing text messages from his wife, who believed he was cheating on her.

He said he had been involved in a domestic incident with his wife and was not allowed to have contact with her.

A woman was also at the scene and she said she was also receiving harassing messages from the complainant’s wife, accusing her of having an affair with him. The officer told both parties to block the wife on social media, but he did not believe a crime had been committed.

_ Dec. 14 - An officer was dispatched to an accident at the corner of STH 13 and East Lincoln Street in Colby. Dispatch reported that someone had struck a traffic sign that was now laying in the middle of the road.

From the officer’s observations, it appeared as if the vehicle was driving northbound on STH 13 and then turned onto the median and struck a traffic sign. It appeared as though the vehicle continued southbound onto STH 13. The officer photographed the scene, but did not see any vehicle parts left behind.

_ Dec. 15 - An officer observed a vehicle on West Spruce Street with a license plate that was registered to another vehicle. The officer pulled the vehicle over near North Fourth Avenue and met with the driver and his passenger.

The officer asked the driver if he realized he had the wrong license plate on the vehicle. The driver said he did realize it, as he just grabbed an available plate and put it on the vehicle.

The officer could smell marjuana and he asked the driver when the last time he smoked any. The driver said it had been an hour since he last smoked marijuana.

A Clark County deputy arrived and deployed his K-9 around the car. The dog alerted to the smell of drugs, so the offi cer had the driver and passenger exit the vehicle. A marijuana grinder and glass pipe were found inside the passenger’s pocket.

A search of the vehicle uncovered a metal pipe, a glass pipe, three vape pens and other marijuana paraphernalia. The driver was asked to do field sobriety tests, and he showed no signs of intoxication.

The driver was cited for driving with a suspended license, driving without insurance and displaying an unauthorized license plate. Citations for possession of marijauana and drug paraphernalia were mailed to both the driver and the passenger.

_ Dec. 15 - An officer was dispatched to an Abbotsford bar to assist an agent with the Alcohol and Tobacco Enforcement branch of the Wisconsin Department of Revenue. The offi cer spoke with the agent, who said he was there on a tip that the bar was not in compliance with some of their alcohol sales.

A total of 29 bottles of hard alcohol was seized, along with nine wine cooler bottles. The owner and his son were warned about not being in compliance and advised on how to get back into compliance.

The agent noted three areas of concern, saying that alcohol must be purchased from licensed distributors, purchase invoices must remain on premises for two years and a licensed operator must be on premises at all times the bar is open.

The officer asked the owner’s son if he had a bartender’s license, and he said no. The lights were on and bar was open, so the officer issued the owner a citation for not having a licensed server on the premises. The bartender’s son said he would do what he needed to get into compliance.

_ Dec. 15 - An officer was dispatched to an Abbotsford apartment in reference to a disturbance call. He met with a woman who said she had gone across the hallway to warn her neighbor about a tornado watch in effect.

The complaint said her female neighbor called her a vulgar name, and in turn, she referred to her neighbor as “she” even though the neighbor identifies as a “non-binary.” She said they started arguing with each other, and some of her other neighbors had to hold her neighbor back. At one point in the argument, she said her neighbor sprayed her in the face with a spray bottle. The officer advised her to avoid all contact with the neighbors if possible.

The officer went and spoke to the neighbors, the female and two males. The female admitted that she got into an argument with the complainant and sprayed her with water. She said she thought it would help keep her away like it does with her cats. The officer told her that she would receiving a citation for disorderly conduct. He also warned her to stay clear of the complainant.

_ Dec. 16 - An officer received a report of possible drug activity at an Abbotsford apartment. She spoke to a woman who said she and her all her neighbors had gathered in the basement the night before due to the hazardous weather reports.

The complainant said she could tell that one of her neighbors had recently been smoking marijauna. She said the couple in question had a baby with them, and that is why she decided to report it. She said she often smells marijauana coming from their apartment after 9 p.m. and wondered if the police could check on her suspicions.

_ Dec. 16 - A woman called to report that her estranged husband was keeping drugs at his motel room in Abbotsford. She said he was keeping steroids in his bedroom when he was not out driving. She said she was in a child custody battle with her husband and wanted the police to know that he was in possession of drugs.

_ Dec. 16 - An officer was dispatched to an Abbotsford apartment for a welfare check on a juvenile runaway. He arrived and met with a man who claimed he had not seen the juvenile in question since last spring.

The man allowed the officer to check his apartment and his garage, and the officer not locate the juvenile. As the officer was pulling out of the parking lot, he spotted a juvenile hiding behind two dumpsters. By the time he put his squad in reverse and pulled backward, the juvenile was gone. The officer patrolled the area, but could not find the juvenile.

The officer reported the encounter to a deputy from Green County, where the juvenile had been reported missing. The offi cer checked the area around the apartment for a second time, but could not find the juvenile.

Later, the officer was informed that a girl matching the juvenile’s description had been seen at a different set of apartments. Officers responded and spoke to a male subject who had given the juvenile a ride to the library.

The officers arrived at the library and met with the juvenile. She was taken into custody and transported to the Marathon County Juvenile Detention Center.

_ Dec. 18 - An officer was dispatched to an Abbotsford apartment in reference to a harassment complaint. The officer met with three tenants who said they were being harassed by one of their neighbors at the apartment building. One of the tenants said he was at work when the neighbor came in and told his manager that she did not want him waiting on her because she didn’t like him. He said he took this as a threat, like she was trying to get him fired. The other two tenants said the neighbor calls them names in the hallways.

The officer went and talked to the neighbor, who denied calling anyone names. She said the complainants had tried entering her apartment without her consent and she told her landlord about it. The officer told both parties to ignore each other, and they all agreed.

_ Dec. 19 - An officer was dispatched to a Marathon County residence to assist a county deputy. When he arrived, the officer noticed a male subject exit the house and run out into a field. The officer and deputy shined their flashlights but could not find the male subject. Other deputies arrived and searched the area, but he was not located.

An attempt-to-locate was put out on dispatch, and the suspect was pulled over on West Spruce Street in Abbotsford.

He was arrested on a charge of domestic violence and on a warrant for contempt of court. He was transported to Marathon County Jail.

_ Dec. 19 - An officer was dispatched to an Abbotsford residence in reference to a disturbance. The officer spoke with a woman who was concerned about her sister and her sister’s boyfriend. She said they had gotten into an argument at the apartment that night, but she was unsure what it was about. She said her sister’s boyfriend had slapped her during a previous argument.

The officer met with the sister, who said nothing physical happened during the argument. She was unsure why the officer was even there and said nothing has ever gotten physical with her boyfriend.

The officer also spoke to the boyfriend, who said he got upset when he saw text messages to another man in his girlfriend’s phone.

He said they had broken up and were now back together. He said nothing physical happened during the argument. No arrests were made.