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CCL plans prize giveaways, activities

CCL plans prize giveaways, activities CCL plans prize giveaways, activities

The CCL has decked the halls and filled the shelves with holiday books, movies, magazines, and music CDs. Stock up for the long winter nights December is sure to bring.

Take & Make Crafts

December offers a smorgasbord of “Take & Make” craft bags. From seasonal sticker scenes, foam Santas, and tube characters for the youngest patrons to paper gingerbread houses and beaded ornaments for more adept crafters, all the kits are free. As we never know how many kits will be needed (300-plus are prepared and offered each month by volunteers and funded by generous businesses), there is a limit of two craft bags per person per visit this month.

The first deliveries of Boredom Buster Bags (BBB) were made to the Marshfield Medical Center and Aspirus Health. The health care personnel were elated with the useful totes filed with items for children undergoing medical treatments at their respective facilities.

There is still time (and the need, according to hospital censuses) to fill more bags. People can help a local service project cause by stopping at the library, selecting bags, and shopping to fill them with items to relieve boredom for young patients awaiting treatments. Return the filled bags by Dec. 29.

Note that the “holiday” type bags were already delivered; bags should now have items suitable for year-long distribution. If you would like to help but do not like to shop, monetary donations are also accepted, and BBB project leaders will shop for the items.

In 2022, the CCL holiday giving project will return to helping the local food pantries. Put on your creativity hats and plan a display, made of non-perishable food items, for our “Foodstruction” challenge in November 2022.

Remember to turn in all completed “Games and Fun in ’21” book and movie challenge bingo sheets by Dec. 30 at 5 p.m. to be eligible for the drawing for Abby/ Colby Chamber gift certificates. In 2022, a new CCL reading and viewing challenge will be available starting Monday, Jan. 3, 2022.

While COVID-19 precautions won’t allow a celebration, Dec. 19 is a special day at the CCL. On that day in 2015, the family of Pearl Vorland presented a proposal to city leaders to build a new library. Exactly two years later, in 2017, the Colby Community Library opened its doors at the new location on the 19th of December. The beautiful building has been 21.

serving area patrons well for the past four years and will continue to be a community treasure into the future.

From now through Dec. 20, register to win “Cheers! We’re Here Four Years!” celebration prizes to commemorate the fourth anniversary of the new CCL building. Winners will be announced December

CCL patron gifts

Remember the days when businesses gave away premiums at holiday time to their customers? Stop in during December for the CCL’s 2021 giveaways. For the children, there are Reindeer Tootsie Pop treats. Adult patrons may select from a variety of neon-colored pens. Visit the Pearl Vorland History Room to view some Colby business premiums from days gone by.

The Friends of the CCL have an assortment of CCL logo t-shirts, long sleeved shirts and canvas bags ready for holiday gift giving—either to those on your gift list or for yourself. The shirts are super comfy and wash beautifully. The canvas bags come in two styles, zippered or plain, and are useful beyond carrying library materials. Grab a free gift box from the display rack for easy gifting. Thanks to Matt Oehmichen for the retro logo design and Stacy Schnabel for the modern logo in our design contest. The Friends use the proceeds of sales to support the library’s programs.

Book club

The CCL evening book club has changed the date of the December meeting to Tuesday, Dec. 14, at 6 p.m. The book to be discussed, led by Becky Schmelzer, will be Visions of Sugar Plums by Janet Evanovich. Holiday beverages will be served; there will be no potluck meal due to COVID-19 precautions.

Craft and Hobby will meet on Friday, Dec. 17, beginning at 5 p.m. This evening is open to the community to work on crafts/hobbies of your own choosing. Classes are not being taught at this time; masks are required for the event. Many Many of the crafters will be involved with the upcoming Maddie Thums Memorial and Make-A-Difference Days projects in March.

The CCL will be closed Dec. 24-26 and Dec. 31-Jan. 2. Current hours are Monday, Wednesday, Friday, from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. and Tuesday and Thursday from noon- 7 p.m. For the winter months, the library is closed on weekends.

Curbside service for people wishing not to enter the library is also available by calling the CCL at 715-223-2000 during open hours or by leaving a message if after hours.

As per Colby Community Library Board of Trustees current policy, remember that children under the age of 13 need to be accompanied by an adult. Adult and youth computers are open with 30 minutes time limits. Study rooms are available for 30 minute time slots. Staff will assist patrons with copy, scan, and fax needs (small fees for these services). Masks are required to enter the building and must remain on during the visit; if a person cannot wear a mask, the CCL staff will assist them with curbside service.