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_ Nov. 17 - An officer responded to a report of a hit-and-run accident at a gas station in Abbotsford. The officer spoke to a store manager, who said the person involved in the accident had also stolen food items from the gas station. The manager said the male party purchased two alcoholic beverages and may have been under the influence due to his eyes being red and bloodshot.

Surveillance footage showed the male party’s vehicle striking the rear of a parked SUV in the parking lot. The manager later informed the officer that the party had taken two baconwrapped chicken breasts before leaving the store. The manager was also able to identify a victim in the hit-and-run using the woman’s rewards card information. The officer called the woman’s number and left a message.

The officer searched the area for the suspect’s vehicle, described as a maroon SUV, but he was unable to locate it.

_ Nov. 17 - An officer responded to an Abbotsford residence after dispatch received 15 9-1-1 calls from a phone at the residence. Dispatch reported a screaming child in the background.

The officer met with a man who said his young son got a hold of his cell phone and hit the emergency button multiple times. The officer was given consent to enter the residence and look around. Everything inside the home seemed to be in order. The officer advised the child’s parents to keep their phones out of reach so 9-1-1 is not dialed again. The parents said the child seems to get the phone no matter where they put it. The officer recommended a small shelf that beyond the child’s reach.

_ Nov. 18 - An officer was dispatched to a Colby store in reference to a customer trying to use counterfeit bills. The officer met with the store owner, who said an employee had noticed a customer trying to use fake bills the day before. The owner said the customer left behind the items they were going to buy and ran out of the store.

The complainant said his employee had not been able to confiscate the counterfeit bills. He said he could meet with the officer the following to go over surveillance footage showing the incident. The officer told the owner to have his other employees be on the look out for other counterfeit bills.

_ Nov. 18 - An officer responded to a report of a possible gunshot near the intersection of North Second Street and Oak Street in Abbotsford. The officer met with the reporting party, and asked him if he thought it could be from the shooting range north of the city. The party did not think it came from there.

Two officers searched the area and one of them spoke to some bystanders. One of them had heard a similar sound on Oak Street.

An officer also checked the gun range and found someone who was sighting in a 30.06 hunting rifle at the time. The man said he had fired three shots, anywhere from a minute to five minutes apart. The wind was coming from the northwest at about 16 miles per hour, the officer noted.

_ Nov. 20 - An officer parked near the intersection of West Spruce Street and Fourth Avenue in Abbotsford when he witnessed a westbound vehicle completely disregard the stop sign. The officer caught up to the vehicle as it was about to exit onto STH 29, and pulled it over near of the end of the onramp.

As the driver rolled down his window to speak to the officer, the officer could smell a strong odor of alcohol coming from inside the vehicle. The driver said he was coming from a bar in Abbotsford, and the officer could smell alcohol on his breath and noticed his speech was slurred.

Dispatch indicated that the driver had a suspended license, and vehicle’s license plates were expired since July 2021. The officer had the driver exit the vehicle, and as he did, he had to steady himself to keep his balance. The driver declined to do field sobriety tests, but based on his driving behavior and the smell of alcohol on his breath, the officer arrested him on suspicion of drunk driving.

Another officer arrived on scene and shined his flashlight toward the driver’s feet. A small plastic bag containing what later was determined to be cocaine was located. The driver was taken to the police station, where he refused to submit to a breathalyzer. He was cited for drunk driving, driving with a suspended license, driving without insurance and improperly stopping at a stop sign.

The driver was released to a sober party, and .2 grams of cocaine was taken into evidence. A charge of cocaine possession was recommended to the district attorney.

_ Nov. 20 - An officer was dispatched to an Abbotsford residence in reference to suspicious activity. The officer met with a woman who was standing in the driveway with a flashlight in her hand. The complainant said she had told a male party to move out of the residence and gave him time to do so. She said she was becoming the new owner of the residence as of Nov. 22, and she wanted the male party kicked out.

The officer said he could not kick the male party out based on a verbal agreement. He told her that she needed to go through a formal eviction process before the man could be forced to leave. The complainant said she wanted a report for the record, and that she would be returning on Nov. 22.

_ Nov. 21 - An officer was dispatched to an Abbotsford residence for a possible disturbance. Dispatch reported that a male party was trying to get into the house. The officer met with a woman, who said she had just returned from a trip with her boyfriend and their kids. The complainant said her boyfriend admitted to cheating on her with her sister, so she wanted him out of their house.

The boyfriend had been living there for 10 years. The officer told the complainant that he could not kicked out because he lived there too. The officer also asked the boyfriend if there was some place he could stay for the night. He collected some belongings and agreed to leave.