Pleas entered
Court proceedings
Taylor County Circuit Court
Lawrence J. Sowatzke IV, of Marshfield, pled not guilty of disorderly conduct-domestic. A pre-trial conference is scheduled for November 17, at 3 p.m. A status hearing is scheduled for December 3, at 11:30 a.m.
Issac Melvin James Anderson, 17, of Medford, pled guilty and was found guilty of truancy (1st offense). He was ordered to pay a forfeiture of $200.50.
Michael David Baker Jr, 41, of Red Wing, MN, pled no contest and was found guilty of operating without a valid license (1st violation). He was ordered to pay a forfeiture of $200.50.
Larry J. Dassow, 39, of Medford, pled no contest and was found guilty of failing to maintain holding/ septic tanks (2nd offense). He was ordered to pay a forfeiture of $515.50.
Jasmine Symone Davis, 21, of Milwaukee, pled no contest and was found guilty of exceeding speed zones (16-19 mph over). She was ordered to pay a forfeiture of $200.50.
Lisa Renee Fawley, 54, of Medford, pled not guilty and was found guilty at court trial of having dogs at large. She was ordered to pay a forfeiture of $125.
Tasha Gruwell, 31, of Medford, pled no contest and was found guilty of speeding on a city highway (11-15 mph over). She was ordered to pay a forfeiture of $175.30.
Mary Beth Hobl, 52, of Medford, pled no contest and was found guilty of failing to maintain holding/septic tanks (3rd offense). She was ordered to pay a forfeiture of $641.50.
Natasha Rae Legrave, 22, of Medford, pled no contest and was found guilty of retail theft. She was ordered to pay a forfeiture of $389.50.
Claudia Le Shinaver, 21, of Medford, pled no contest and was found guilty of retail theft. She was ordered to pay a forfeiture of $389.50.
Felipe Torres Gonzalez, 51, of Abbotsford, pled no contest and was found guilty of operating a motor vehicle without insurance. He was ordered to pay a forfeiture of $200.50. He also pled no contest to operating without a valid license (1st violation). He was ordered to pay a forfeiture of $200.50.
Suzanne M. Westphal, 60, of Medford, pled no contest and was found guilty of operating a motor vehicle without capable breaks. She was ordered to pay a forfeiture of $175.30.
Jorge Palma Rosero, 67, of Abbotsford, pled not guilty to the following charges: operating with PAC (2nd offense), OWI (2nd offense), and possession of open intoxicants in vehicle-driver. A signature bond was set for $500. A pre-trial conference is scheduled for November 12, at 11:30 a.m.
Jared J. Zastrow, 28, of Stetsonville pled not guilty to operating without a valid license (2nd within 3 years). A signature bond was set of $500. A pre-trial conference is scheduled for November 12, at 9:30 a.m.
Drew S. Behnke, 32, of Medford, pled guilty and was found guilty of disorderly conduct-domestic. He was ordered to pay a penalty of $543. An additional charge of battery-domestic abuse, was dismissed but read in court.
Edward G. Williams, 26, of Phillips, pled no contest and was found guilty of disorderly conduct, amended from battery. He was ordered to pay a forfeiture of $330.50.
Jarod Jonah Jochimsen, 19, of Medford, was charged with disorderly conduct, the charge was dismissed on prosecutor’s motion.
Gabriel Joseph Curtis, 17, of Rib Lake, pled no contest and was found guilty of underage drinking-possession (17-20) (1st offense). His license was suspended for 30 days and he was ordered to pay a forfeiture of $263.50. Curtis also pled no contest and was found guilty of disorderly conduct. He was ordered to pay a forfeiture of $330.50. A charge of resisting or obstructing an officer was dismissed on prosecutor’s motion.
Heather Rae Cwikla, 24, of Medford, pled no contest and was found guilty of exceeding speed zones (1-10 mph over) amended from a charge of exceeding speed zones (11-15 mph over). She was ordered to pay a forfeiture of $175.30.
Gary Ray Noland, 51, of Medford, pled no contest and was found guilty of failing to notify police of accident. He was ordered to pay a forfeiture of $389.50.
Scott W. Shilts, 43, of Stanley, pled no contest and was found guilty of speeding in 55mph zone (16-19 mph), amended from charges of speeding in 55 mph zone (25-29 over). He was ordered to pay a forfeiture of $200.50.
Tyler Christopher Sparby, 31, of Medford, pled no contest and was found guilty of hit-and-run property adjacent to highway. He was ordered to pay a forfeiture of $263.50. He also pled no contest and was found guilty of failing to notify police of accident. He was ordered to pay a forfeiture of $389.50. Sparby was also charged with failing to keep vehicle under control. This charge was dismissed on prosecutor’s motion.
Peter J. Ruesch, 58, of Medford, pled no contest and was found guilty of the following charges: failing to complete registration as required (bear, deer, sharp-tailed
Taylor County Circuit Court
grouse, or turkey). He was ordered to pay a forfeiture of $343.50. Possession/loan/borrow another’s license, his DNR license was revoked/suspended, for 3 years. He was ordered to pay a forfeiture of $303.30 and forfeited the seized crossbow, 8 point buck mount, and 8 point buck antlers. Ruesch pled no contest and was found guilty of a second charge of possession/loan/borrow another’s license. He is ordered to pay a forfeiture of $303.30. He pled no contest to failing to keep records as required, failing to keep accurate records, or otherwise provide incorrect info. He was ordered to pay a forfeiture of $544.50. Ruesch pled no contest to resisting conservation warden and entered into a deferred prosecution agreement for a period of three years. Within entering into the agreement, Ruesch was ordered to write a letter of apology to DNR Warden Kurt Haas, within 30 days, pre-approved by the Taylor County Victim Witness Coordinator. A second charge of resisting conservation warden, and exceeding possession limit of game were dismissed.
Mark A. Frischman, 41, of Medford, pled no contest and was found guilty of possession of drug paraphernalia. He was ordered to pay a fine of $886. He also pled no contest and was found guilty of possession of THC. Frischman was found guilty of neglecting a child (specifi ed harm did not occur). He was ordered to pay a fine of $886. Frischman must submit to a DNA sample at the Taylor County Sheriff’s Department and have no contact with the victim. A local jail sentence was imposed and stayed of 30 days. This jail sentence may be served with huber. The defendant shall pay all sheriff and jail fees or costs allowed or imposed by law and the sheriff shall be entitled to a judgement against the defendant for any such unpaid fees or costs. The defendant shall cooperate with Taylor County Human Services, and shall undergo counseling as deemed appropriate by probation. Defendant shall make a good faith effort to complete the Taylor County Treatment Court program and pay the participant fee of $200. Failure to complete Treatment County would not automatically require revocation of probation. Defendant shall pay supervision fees as ordered by the Department of Corrections. He was ordered to pay a fee of $886. He was charged with possession of methamphetamine and maintaining drug trafficking place and entered into a deferred prosecution agreement for a period of two years. The following charges were dismissed but read in court: possession of THC (2nd+ offense), 2 counts of possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of illegally obtained prescription, harboring/aiding a felon (E/F/G/H/I or unclassified felony/not life), disorderly conduct-domestic abuse, 6 counts of felony bail jumping, and intimidating a witness.