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2:08.72. Sperl, Gebauer, ….

	  Sperl, Gebauer, …. 2:08.72. 
	  Sperl, Gebauer, ….


Sperl, Gebauer, Denzer and Razink won the night’s other tight race, the 200yard medley relay, in 2:07.75, beating Tomahawk by 0.13 seconds. Sperl and Denzer flipped the backstroke and butterfl y roles in Thursday’s race.

“We started the meet with a close medley relay,” Meinel said. “We were able to mix it up this week hoping to find a faster combination. I think we will go back to the old way, but it was nice to test out a theory.”

Rappe, Jackie Williams, Erica Brandner and Lacey Brandner took third in that medley relay in 2:17.62, while Haenel, Pilgrim, Brandt and Johnson took fourth in 2:46.15.

There was another close finish in the 400-yard freestyle relay, but the Hatchets got this one in 4:13.1 with Lacey Brandner, Maddie Williams, Bergman and Razink just 1:44 seconds behind. Pernsteiner, Johnson, Kraemer and Weix were third at 4:34.74 and Petersen, Brandt, Pil- grim and Koncel were fourth at 5:13.46.

Erica Brandner (1:16.44), Kraemer (1:20.36) and Maddie Williams (1:21.59) were second, third and fourth in the 100-yard butterfly behind Hatchet Paige Dekiep (1:02.65). Dekiep also won the 200yard freestyle in 2:07.37, while Pernsteiner was second in 2:27.23, Weix took third in 2:28.59 and Koncel was fifth in 2:39.2, all season-best times.