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vegetation for duck blinds. ….

vegetation for duck blinds. 
	 …. vegetation for duck blinds. 

vegetation for duck blinds.

_ Never move plants or live animals, such as snails, away from a water body.

In addition, the DNR and UW Madison Extension AIS Program often team up with the Wisconsin Waterfowl Association, Ducks Unlimited and other partners to place boot brush stations at access points near lake and river launches as well as some walk-in sites. If you are an organization interested in building and setting up your own boot brush stations, contact DNRAISinfo@wisconsin. gov for more information.

Thank you to every hunter who follows the recommended prevention steps. Doing so before you leave the boat launch is keeping your favorite hunting spot safe and accessible for years to come.

For more information about aquatic invastive species, including where they are prohibited and restricted in Wisconsin, visit topic/Invasives.