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head coach Cheryl Schreiner said. ….

head coach Cheryl Schreiner said. …. head coach Cheryl Schreiner said. ….

head coach Cheryl Schreiner said. “The back-row movement and the picking up of tips was good. The stuff we were letting fall earlier, people are now instinctively going for it. We’ve talked about defensive responsibilities. Do your defensive assignment. And tonight, I literally told them to turn their brains off. This whole senior group is, one to 11, they’re all overthinkers. I’m like ‘turn your brains off. You’ve all been doing this a long time. Go out there and play.’” Ruesch said it is something special to have had 11 seniors stick it out with the sport since they started playing club ball eight seasons ago.

“I think it shows we have a lot of talent and it’s hard for coach to know who to put in,” she said. “I’m happy with all the girls that we have.”

Ruesch had seven kills in 21 attacks, two solo blocks and three assisted blocks.

“Rynn has really come into her own,” Schreiner said. “She sees the court so well right now. She’s really taken a giant step.”

Fredrikson and Miller had six kills apiece. Fredrikson had just three errors in 33 attacks. Miller had 22 digs, while Klapatauskas and Paulson had 18 each and Lybert and Krug had 15 apiece.

Lybert led the team with four aces, while Brunner had three and Paulson had two. Lybert had 17 assists.

“We’re going to keep this momentum going into our next few games and see how far we can go,” Lybert said.