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Hornets volleyball starts Engevold era

Hornets volleyball starts Engevold era Hornets volleyball starts Engevold era

The Colby Hornets varsity program kicked off the Hannah Engevold era this season, after last year’s head coach Nathan Larsen unexpectedly left the Colby School District last month.

Engevold has been with the program since last year, when she coached the junior varsity team.

She will be relying on that experience, along with memories of her own playing days, to help guide the Colby Hornets through the uncharted waters of a competitive Cloverbelt Conference.

“I’m very excited,” Engevold says. “I played volleyball my whole life, all the way through high school and actually went and played for a D-2 college over in Minneapolis for two years, went to Nationals . . . .so I’m really excited to put all that to use.”

Engevold hopes to instill some of that sense of being a college athlete to her players, and expects to see the same level of passion and dedication college athletes have for their sports.

“It’s going to be different because you’re not in college, you’re in high school, but I’m going to treat you like a college player,” Engevold says. “With this group of girls we’re really working on what dedication is, what hard work is, and really putting forth our best effort each match.”

Engevold expects this year to see its share of ups and downs, and through the first weeks of competition that has been the case. Colby has taken part in nearly a dozen matches since the start of the season in August, and has just two wins, but has been competitive in each match.

That there are growing pains this year should not be surprising considering how senior laden last year’s squad was.

But Emma Peavey, Olivia Vollrath, Lexi Underwood, Emma Oelrich and Emma Kroll are gone, and it’s up to seniors Kya Viegut, Brett Schmitt, Luna Vitali, Fabiola Castillo and Hailey Bau- mann to provide leadership this season.

Viegut and Schmitt have varsity experience, and Castillo has been with the program for years, but this season players like Hayden Willner, Lydia Decker, Kaylee Garcia, Kennedy Bilz ad Sierra Strassburger will have to step up.

“It’s kind of all over the board,” Engevold says. “We have four seniors on varsity this year. we also have several foreign exchange students coming to change us, so that’s exciting.

“We have a few players who have varsity experience, but other than that its a lot of younger players that I was able to coach last year, and bring up to this year. We’re looking at kind of a younger team, but willing to put in the effort to be the best that they can be.”

Engevold says passing and serve receive have stood out as strengths, though she does admit that this year’s squad is in the shorter side. She feels that from a quickness and athleticism stand-point, Colby’s defense will lead to points.

“Because we are a better defensive team I’m not as worried if there’s a hole in the block, knowing we can dig and read the ball. I’m really excited to see the girls really going after it, and fighting for every point.”

Engevold also says Colby has a lot of versatility, with players at ease being at multiple positions on the floor.

“We have a broad variety of players, and so many girls that are able to do so much. I think that’s what’s going to be the spark of this year’s team. We have two great setters, amazing outsides, and players willing to go wherever they need to play.”

There’s been a lot of turnover in the Eastern Cloverbelt Conference, and Engevold is hoping to make some noise in league action. Colby defeated Spencer on Tuesday, Sept. 14, in straight sets at their home opener, but wins will have to be earned this season.

Engevold says while she wants to see her team and player succeed, this year she’s more focused on changing the culture of the program.

“I really want to see us grow as a family. The community aspect, learning to encourage each other and knowing it’s OK to make a mistake are things I want the girls to take away,” Engevold says as she enters the heart of the season.

“Once we get the grind going and are working together,, the train keeps chugging. What’s really cool to see is that the girls are really excited to play.”