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_ Aug. 9 - An Abbotsford woman came to the police station to file a complaint against her exboyfriend, who showed up at her place at 3:40 a.m. and was banging on the door. The complainant said she was afraid to open the door, and eventually her ex-boyfriend fell asleep in his car until 6 a.m.

The complainant said she has children with her ex, and he is allowed to visit them between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Sundays. An officer advised her to contact the court system to discuss changing the child custody arrangement and to possibly make the police station the location for exchanging the kids.

Officers went to the ex’s residence near Colby and spoke to him about the incident. He admitted to going to the complainant’s house at 3:40 in the morning and banging on the door because he wanted to see his kids. He was told that his actions were unacceptable and that he needed to contact the court system if he wanted to change his child custody arrangement.

_ Aug. 10 - An officer was on patrol in Colby when he ran the license plate of a vehicle on STH 13 as it pulled into a gas station parking lot. The registration did not match the make and model of the vehicle carrying the plates, so a traffic stop was conducted.

The officer met with the driver, who said he had just purchased the vehicle and took the plates off another vehicle he owns. While talking with the driver, the officer noticed a slight smell of marijuana coming from the vehicle. The driver denied having any drugs.

Dispatch reported that both the driver and his passenger had revoked licenses due to drunk driving offenses. A K-9 unit arrived on scene, and the passenger turned over several items of contraband. A full search of the vehicle uncovered a THC vaping device, THC vape cartridges, a glass pipe, and a chewing tobacco tin with marijuana inside. The driver was cited for operating while revoked (fourthplus offense), possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of THC. The passenger was also cited for possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of THC.

_ Aug. 10 - A Colby man came into the police station to report that a female party had threatened him with a gun. He said the woman is a lesbian who wants to date his girlfriend, and she keeps threatening to kill him if they don’t break up.

The complainant said he was working at a farm near Colby on May 25 when the woman showed up, pulled out a handgun and put the barrel to his head. He said the woman told him that she had killed before and would kill him too. He said she left and then returned with a large kitchen knife, using it to threaten him as well. He said she has been verbally harassing since that day. He said she occasionally comes over to his house to visit with his girlfriend.

That past Sunday, the complainant said the suspect came to his house and dragged all of his clothes into the living room. When he asked her what she was doing, she said he needed to break up with his girlfriend and move out. An officer advised him to get a restraining order and said he would issue her a warning for harassment.

The officer also contacted a Marathon County deputy to investigate the incident with the gun and knife. The deputy interviewed the complainant and said he had enough evidence to arrest the suspect. The deputy and officer checked several residence, but were unable to locate the suspect. The deputy said he would be referring charges to the district attorney’s office.

_ Aug. 11 - An officer investigated potential ordinance violations at two houses on Butternut Street in Abbotsford. At the first house, the officer could see a worn-out couch in the grass between the sidewalk and the curb. The officer had seen the furniture in the same location on Aug. 4. At the second house, the officer saw a vehicle with no visible license plates in the front yard that had been there since at least Aug. 4.

The officer also checked a home on South Second Street in Colby, and found a vehicle parked outside with an expired license plate. Tall grass was growing around it, and around two lawnmowers that appeared to be inoperable. The vehicle and mowers had not been moved since Aug. 4.

Warning letters were sent to the homeowners.

_ Aug. 12 - An officer met with a resident on Pine Street in Abbotsford who had found a bike in the woods on his property. It was a men’s Huffy brand Scout model. The bike was taken into storage in case the owner claims it.

_ Aug. 12 - An officer was dispatched to a local hotel in reference to a suspicious activity complaint. The caller said he heard a man and a woman arguing outside his door and he thought one of them had a gun. He also said that someone had something over his peep hole so he could no longer see out.

The officer and a deputy went to a nearby room to speak to the couple about the incident. They both said they had a small disagreement, but nothing like the argument described by the complainant. The officer checked their clothes, and neither of them had a gun.

The officer also checked the hallway camera footage, and did not see anything matching what the complainant described. The officer informed the complainant of his findings, and the complainant said he was just being paranoid. He said he felt like someone had been following him all day and asked if there was anywhere else he could stay. The officer told him about other options he had before leaving.

_ Aug. 12 - An officer spoke to a woman whose estranged father was leaving unwanted notes on her vehicles. She said she had a falling out with her father years ago and does not want any contact with him. The complainant said her son also received a note from her father. She said her son has his grandfather’s number and can reach out to him when he feels ready.

The complainant asked that an officer contact her father about the notes. An officer tried calling him several times but no one answered. He also stopped by his apartment in Colby, but was unable to make contact.

_ Aug. 13 - An officer was dispatched to Red Arrow Park in Abbotsford for a criminal damage complaint at the Boy Scout cabin. The officer met with the mayor, who had noticed that a window on the west side of the building was busted out, and the door was open. There were no signs of forced entry to the door, but the officer noticed that a light bulb was also broken.

The officer went into the cabin, and could see the window laying on the ground. A table had been moved near the window, and a piece of cardboard was laying on the table. The offi cer also saw several pop can tops scattered on the ground, and yellow and blue paint that had been thrown at the walls.

The officer met with the scout leader, who said he would fix the window and let the police know how much it cost. Photographs were taken of the damage.

_ Aug. 13 - An officer was dispatched to Colby in reference to vehicle that had struck a stop sign on Dehne Drive. Dispatch said the vehicle was last seen on South Main Street, so the officer checked that street, but was unable to locate a vehicle matching the correct description.

The officer then went to the scene of the accident and could see where a truck had gone onto to the grass before scratching a sign that was cemented to the ground. The vehicle also hit a metal stop sign before turning west out of the Marshfield Clinic parking and going toward the intersection with STH 13.

_ Aug. 13 - Officers were dispatched to an Abbotsford residence in reference to a disturbance. While en route, officers were informed that a male party had left the residence. An offi cer located a van that matched the description of the one the suspect was driving. The officer activated his emergency lights, and the vehicle continued eastbound on Spruce Street for several seconds before turning into a parking lot.

The officer met with the driver, who had glossy, bloodshot eyes. When asked what happened at the residence, he said nothing. During the traffic stop, another officer was speaking to a female party back at the residence. She said one of the vehicle occupants had a gun in his waistband.

All of the occupants were told to exit the vehicle, and as he was doing do so, the driver tried to conceal a baggie of cocaine in his hand. The driver and his two passengers were frisked, but no weapons were found. A full search of the vehicle also revealed no weapons.

The driver was asked to do field sobriety tests, and he showed several signs of intoxication. He was arrested for driving while intoxicated/impaired and taken to the police station, where he registered .20 blood-alcohol level on the breathalyzer.

According to the complainant, the driver had been harassing her and approached her and her group of friends. She said he lifted up his shirt and showed what looked to be a handgun in his waistband. The complainant said the suspect has been abusive to her in the past and she was worried about her safety. The suspect was taken to Clark County Jail. Charges of disorderly conduct/ domestic abuse, drunk driving and possession of cocaine were recommended to the district attorney’s office.

_ Aug. 14 - An officer was dispatched to a Colby residence for a loud music complaint. The officer arrived and could hear loud music coming from an upstairs apartment. He met with a female party, and she agreed to turn down the volume.

_ Aug. 15 - An officer was on STH 13 in Abbotsford when he ran the license plate of a vehicle in front of him. The make and model of the registered vehicle did not match the one carrying the plates, so the officer pulled the vehicle over. The officer met with the driver, who said he had just purchased the vehicle and had been unable to get it registered. He also admitted he did not have insurance on the vehicle. The driver showed the offi cer the vehicle’s title as proof that he had just purchased it.

Dispatch reported that the driver had a felony probation warrant for a drug-related offense. The K-9 unit came to the scene, and the dog alerted to the smell of narcotics. Nothing was found in the vehicle or on the suspect. He was taken into custody on the warrant and cited for operating while suspended, operating without insurance and was warned about the unauthorized registration plates.