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Dreading the start of school

Dreading the start of school Dreading the start of school




Mostly every kid in the world dreads school. I’m going to be honest; I’m really dreading it this year. Yes, I know I’m going to be a senior and I get to graduate, but I also have to worry about college. But, still, I’m seriously dreading it.

Now why is it that I very much dislike school? Well, it’s the fact that this year we are starting a day earlier than normal. Also, it’s on a Tuesday. Seriously, who the heck starts school on a Tuesday!? I know a lot of people who aren’t thrilled about that either, but, oh well, it has to start at some point, so I guess let it be then.

It’s also because summer didn’t start too long ago, and the schools and stores at the end of July are already trying to shove pencils, pens, colored pencils and crayons down our throats. Like, jeez.

They say time flies when you’re having fun. I’m going to correct that. Time should slow down when you’re having fun; therefore, you can have more time to have fun. That probably made no sense, but it is what it is. I’m pretty sure if any teenager in the world would read this they would most definitely agree with me, unless you’re that really smart kid who is in total love with school and with learning. Sorry, but not sorry.

I mean this school year should hopefully fly by pretty quick for us seniors because most of the classes we have are the ones we want. And, you know, maybe you’ll want to keep doing what you’re doing in one of those classes in the future and maybe it will lead to a job.

Now, knowing me, the things I want to do and go into change like everyday. I was thinking about something with artsy decorating. Is that a for-sure thing? No, it absolutely is not. Will it switch to something different? Say, being a film director? Absolutely, yes. OK, I just thought that up out of total randomness, but being a film director actually sounds pretty cool. I’m going to have to write that one down. Also I just realized, if I become a film director, I could add on more movies to the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings trilogies.

There are only two reasons that I’m OK with school. Reason one: friends. I love all my friends at school. Plus, they practically keep me alive through the school year. Reason two: the teachers. I’ve gotten closer with the teachers this past year, because the last hour of the day we would sign up for whichever teacher we wanted for study hall. Most of the memories I’ve made last school year have been with some of the teachers. I watched one teacher play sheepshead with the students during flex period. Another teacher roasted students because of what they were doing. They also keep me alive during the school year.

I’ll add another reason: sports. Specifically, track. Waiting for track keeps me alive for the whole year. I’m serious, too.