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Zoning change

Zoning change Zoning change

City council approves change to help daycare project move forward

The city of Medford cleared the way for an expansion of daycare options in the city.

At Tuesday’s city council meeting, aldermen approved a rezoning request for two small wedge-shaped parcels of land owned by Immanuel Lutheran Church from R-1 residential to G-1 institutional use. Scott Mildbrand, chair of the church’s building committee, explained to council members that the church is planning to construct a 6,000 square foot addition onto their existing church and school building to serve as the new location of Little Lambs Academy. The church-owned daycare center is currently housed in a separate 1,450 square foot building on the church campus. Plans are for that building to be removed.

The additional land was needed to meet the setback requirements in city code when building near lot lines. Mildbrand said they plan to have spots for 52 children ages three and a half and younger in the new space as well as utilizing classroom space in the school for after school and 3K and 4K programs. He said in total, the expansion will allow them to serve about 70 youth. Beyond that, the church is looking at the potential of a secondshift daycare to fill that need in the community.

Mildbrand emphasized that while it is owned by the church, the daycare is nondenominational and available for all area families with the goal of offering affordable rates competitive with other providers in the community.

“There is a shortage of childcare in the community,” Mildbrand said, noting that before starting on the project, they had a team of professionals from their synod come in and review the needs in the community.

“There has been a need in the community and this will greatly help,” said mayor Mike Wellner, praising the work being done by the church.

Aldermen unanimously approved the rezoning request with Tim Hansen and Mike Bub absent.

In other zoning action, council members also approved rezoning 112 and 120 N. Third Street from R-2 one and two family residential to C-1 commercial for the eventual expansion of the current eye clinic and dental clinic offices located adjacent to them and for the expansion of future parking needs. The properties are owned by Perry Arndt and Dan Miskulin as Opdent. The area in the rear of the properties is already being used as parking lot, something Wellner described as being an oversight in the past.

In other business, council members:

_ Approved the annual audit report and management letter. Jon Trautman of Clifton Larson Allen reviewed the city’s annual audit highlighting that the city was in sound financial position with sizable reserves. The major change with the city’s finances was how it handled “custodial accounts” particularly funds held for the Medford Area Fire Department to bring it in line with generally accepted accounting practices rules.

_ Approved an easement agreement with Maple Island to install a pumping station and sanitary discharge pipe at the Public Works Department shop located at 201 Industrial Drive. This will allow Maple Island to have its waste treated at the city. Previously the company operated its own waste treatment ponds, but with changing regulations is unable to meet new standards.

_ Approved the routine renewal of alcohol and cigarette licenses for a number of Medford existing businesses as well as operators licenses. It was noted that when Kwik Trip opens it will need to get licenses at both stores, but will be prorated for the cigarette license at the current store.

_ Approved having the electric utility purchase the public work’s department share of the cold storage building to the west of the city hall building for $50,000. The public works department and electric utility partnered to build the building but the electric utility primarily uses it. The purchase process is necessary because as a regulated utility, the assets of the electric utility are accounted for more as a business and less like other government departments.

Elah Allanson was running a bake sale and lemonade stand at her grandmother’s, Kathy Bartosiak’s, home at 590 East Allman St. 50% of the earnings from the sale, which concludes on Wednesday, are to be donated to Compassion International. The bake sale, selling cookies and muffins, is something that Allanson puts on every year.SHAWNA KONIECZNY /THE STAR NEWS