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Granton serving in-person breakfast June 6 at fire station

Granton serving in-person breakfast June 6 at fire station Granton serving in-person breakfast June 6 at fire station

Things will be back to normal this year for the Granton FFA Alumni Dairy Breakfast as it will be held in person at the Granton Fire Station, at 21 South Main St., on June 6.

Serving will begin at 7 a.m. and will run through 12:30 p.m. The breakfast will feature all the great food as in past years, including pancakes provided by Princess Pancake catering, for added fun in the serving line. The ever-popular special eggs will be available, as well as, cheese curds, ice cream, applesauce, maple syrup, butter, milk, juice and coffee. The cost of the breakfast is $7 for adults, $ 3.50 for children K-5, and preschool is free.

The Granton FFA chapter has had a phenomenal year despite the pandemic and the Alumni is always happy and willing to support them in their projects. FFA members completed several community service projects this year. They made over 260 masks for students and staff in the school district. FFA families and school staff joined forces to sponsor gifts for 26 children in the Clark County Christmas Angel program and FFA members helped to wrap gifts and package bags of food for the project. In addition, with help from a National FFA grant, the chapter has donated $3,000 worth of food and other items to the Cattails Cottage this year, which helps and supports cancer patients and their caregivers.

A couple of additional new projects conducted by the Granton chapter this year, with support from the Alumni, includes hosting an etiquette dinner and making and distributing harvest bags. The etiquette dinner featured a fourcourse meal where members learned many different meal etiquette tips, such as proper place settings, passing of food and condiments, use of various utensils and much more. The harvest bags project featured members preparing 25 bags of snacks and treats and then going out to say thank you to local farmers during the busy fall season, sharing words of appreciation and encouragement in these challenging times.

Other service projects completed included chapter members making tie blankets to donate to the Ronald McDonald House as part of their annual lock-in. The lock-in had a special twist this year, thanks to the support of the Granton FFA Alumni, as they purchased one of two packages at the state Alumni convention in February to bring the state FFA officers to town for the lock-in. All the middle school and high school students had the opportunity to share in team-building and leadership activities at this event. The Alumni also sponsored students to attend the first in-person leadership workshop in a year, this past spring at Wisconsin Dells. Members were able to work on personal and chapter goal setting as part of this workshop.

The Granton FFA Alumni also helped to host the dinner for the spring FFA banquet and awards ceremony, and sponsored several awards. They also helped to sponsor the meal for the spring farm tour, prizes and food for the chapter lock-in and much more. They will now be sponsoring several members to attend the in-person state convention to be held in Madison in July.

The parliamentary procedure team won first place at district and sectional competition to earn the trip to state. Members of the team are Lizzy Reinart, Abby Woller, Alexis Pongratz, Caleb Schoessow, Abby Schoessow and Rhiannon Reimer. The Middle School Quiz Bowl team also won first at district and sectional, so they too will be headed to state. Team members include Emma Brookhart, Tori Seif and Jordan Berg.

The Granton FFA has seven students who will be recognized as gold rated proficiency award recipients, including two state finalists, Abby Woller in fruit production and Rhiannon Reimer in vegetable production. The chapter is waiting to hear results of its National Chapter Award application for this year, but it was recognized this past fall as a 3-Star chapter at the virtual National FFA Convention. They were also awarded first place in the state last year with the Largest Percent Chapter Member Award, highlighting 93.5 percent of the school enrolled in FFA.

Supporting the annual dairy breakfast, will help to ensure that the Granton FFA Alumni can continue to provide support to the FFA chapter and members. All proceeds from the breakfast are used to sup- port the FFA and Agriculture Education department. The FFA will be hosting a petting zoo on site the day of the breakfast and parking will be provided on-site, along with handicapped parking. There will also be a raffle bucket option for various door prizes.

Granton FFA and FFA Alumni officers posed at the recent banquet, celebrating the accomplishments of this past year. The Alumni and FFA chapter are working together to plan the upcoming dairy breakfast being held at the Granton Fire Station on June 6. Officers include (back from left) Annette Woller, Abby Schoessow, Kristin Strey, Abby Woller, Jayden Bymers, Katie Reider, Char Johnson, (front) Cheryl Steinbach, Alexis Pongratz, Mackenzie Muraski, Megan Walter, Lizzy Reinart and Theresa Hasz.