Health departments plead for patience
The following joint statement was submitted by a coalition of western Wisconsin public health and tribal health agencies, including Clark County: Joint Western Region Local Local and tribal health departments are jointly reminding everyone that even though we have started vaccinating for COVID-19, it is important that we remain diligent in our efforts of fighting this virus. Our organizations are working together to inform, educate, and protect everyone in our communities from COVID-19. We are doing everything we can, but we need your help. You are the most important part of stopping this pandemic.
The Western Region of Wisconsin is still seeing cases of COVID-19, including those from COVID-19 variants. Surrounding states, such as Minnesota, are experiencing high numbers of these cases. This means our area will likely soon see higher numbers if actions are not taken, as this increase is already being experienced in border counties. This is also important because even though your local hospital may not have significant impacts from COVID- 19, patient transfers may be impacted or delayed.
Despite vaccination occurring, there is still a large population that hasn’t been vaccinated, including those under 16, who are not yet approved to be vaccinated. None of the below signed counties have over 40% of their eligible population fully vaccinated. Continuing to take the actions below can help protect children and your loved ones.
Children can get sick and spread COPlease
see Health, page 16 VID-19 to others in schools, families and the community. There have been 90 children in Wisconsin that have developed multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C). MIS-C is a rare, but serious condition where parts of the body can become inflamed. Children that have been diagnosed with MIS-C have been diagnosed with or been around someone with COVID-19.
Here is how you can help: -- Wear a Mask. When worn properly, masks do work and save lives.
-- Physically Distance. Stay at least 6-feet from people who don’t live in your household.
-- Wash Your Hands Often.
-- Avoid Large Gatherings. Large gatherings put you, everyone at the gathering, and everyone you come into contact with after the gathering at risk.
-- Get Vaccinated. You can find information on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines and how to get vaccinated by visiting your county or healthcare provider’s website.
This has been an extremely difficult year for everyone, but we need to stay the course of prevention and mitigation. We know that there is a desire to cut back on the strategies wherever possible, but congregate settings are not the places to do it. The strategies that schools and others have put together work together. Simply put,handwashing, physical distancing, masking, and vaccination are efforts that work best when practiced together.